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Environmental Systems Modelling Theory and Complex Models


课程名称:环境系统建模理论与复杂模型Environmental Systems Modelling Theory and Complex Models





This course teaches the modelling theory and model applications of environmental systems. The modelling theory part mainly includes the characteristic system elements of complex environmental systems, the thinking and process of model construction, the introduction of commonly used models and algorithms, etc.; the modelling application part will be introduced with the frontier hotspots of complex environmental systems research in sub-topics, including global climate change system, biosphere system, epidemic risk propagation system, and the application of frontier technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence in environmental systems analysis. This course aims to improve postgraduate students' ability to think in systems analysis and solve practical problems with models, and to understand what environmental systems are and how to abstract and simplify them when faced with specific complex environmental problems, and to analyze them using a system modelling approach. At the same time, students will develop the ability to construct complex models and be able to apply systems modelling tools to solve specific problems.