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Atmospheric Pollution: Chemistry and Physics


课程名称:大气污染化学和物理Atmospheric Pollution: Chemistry and Physics





Since the 20th century, due to the accelerated industrialization and urbanization, atmospheric environmental problems such as coal burning pollution, photochemical smog, acid rain, ozone layer depletion and climate warming have become more and more prominent worldwide, gradually threatening human life, health and quality of life.

This course introduces the structure and stratification of the atmosphere, chemical composition and pollutants from the basic nature of the earth's atmosphere, focuses on theories of atmospheric photo-chemistry, aerosol chemistry, acid deposition chemistry, stratospheric chemistry and atmospheric transport, as well as typical physical and chemical processes and mechanisms involved in atmospheric pollution, and enables students to conduct analytical studies on the status, causes and countermeasures of pollution in typical cities. In terms of the chemistry of key pollutant control, this course systematically explains the latest scientific progress and the transformation of results in the fields of stationary source flue gas multi-pollutant control, volatile organic compounds control, mobile source tailpipe emission control and greenhouse gas emission control, summarizes the outstanding achievements and advanced scientific and technological results in the continuous improvement of air quality in China.

The students are expected to gain deep understanding of 1) the causes of air pollution and the deep physical and chemical mechanisms; 2) the causes of urban air pollution and formulating measures to reduce emissions and prevent pollution; 3) the current situation of air pollution prevention and control in China and the progress of research and development of various pollution source control technologies.

Water treatment-related problems encountered in research and life, and to acquire the ability to carry out data analysis and theoretical calculations for water treatment related research, and to have the responsibility and professional honor to undertake urgent and difficult water environment treatment tasks.