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Aerosol Mechanics


课程名称:气溶胶力学Aerosol Mechanics




课程简介:本课程会介绍气溶胶科学与技术的关键概念,包括关于气溶胶颗粒惯性、电、热、以及光学等特性的理论,以及气溶胶的生成、捕集、测量和动力学过程。主要内容:气溶胶特性和表征(粒径分布等);粒子的运动:布朗运动和扩散,加速和曲线运动,外力作用下的运动(如电场力,磁场力和热力),荷电过程,过滤过程;气溶胶的光学特性;气溶胶的测量;气溶胶动力学过程:成核,凝聚,冷凝和蒸发;气溶胶的应用:大气气溶胶,纳米材料合成和制药工业。教学目标:锻炼学生(1)解释和计算气溶胶粒径分布的相关数据;(2)根据传输动力学确定气溶胶的运动规律;(3)计算给定气溶胶体系的光学特性;(4)分析复合气溶胶体系的动力学过程;(5)设计系统来生成、捕集气溶胶或测量气溶胶物理化学特性;(6) 解释气溶胶科学与技术作为交叉学科所涉及的不同领域。

This course will introduce key concepts of aerosol science and technology. It will cover theory of the inertial, electrical, thermal and optical behavior of gas-borne particles. Generation, collection, measurement, and dynamics of aerosols will also be discussed.

This course is designed around the goal of enabling students 1) To explain and calculate the statistics of a given particle size distribution. 2) To determine the movement of aerosols by a given transport mechanics (inertial movement, diffusion, electrical migration, and thermophoresis) and to analyze the important transport mechanisms for a given aerosol system. 3) To calculate the optical properties of a given aerosol system. 4) To derive expressions for a given aerosol system involving multiple aerosol mechanisms (nucleation, condensation, coagulation, and evaporation) and to analyze the dynamics of the particle size distributions. 5) To design systems to generate aerosols, to collect particles, and to measure particle physicochemical properties. 6) To explain the multi-disciplinary aspects of aerosol science and technology.