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Ecological Quality Assessment

课程编号: 70050303

课程名称: 生态质量评价Ecological Quality Assessment

课程学时: 48

课程学分: 3

授课语言: 英文

课程简介: 随着可持续发展观念的深入,人们在社会经济发展活动过程中都在强调保护生态。生态保护和社会经济发展活动总是一对矛盾体,然而生态质量评价可以有效帮助解决这个矛盾。本课程的开设对于开拓研究生的生态保护视野,加强生态质量评价手段和技术掌握有很好作用。参与学生能够在下面几方面获得提高:(1)理解生态系统具有价值,(2)并在自然界中显示出不同的质量,(3)判断和选择生态因子,利用地理信息系统(GIS)实现空间模型运算,(4)从评价结果出发为管理提供建议。教学目标就是给学生传授生态学相关基础、空间分析的理论和技术手段、GIS应用于生态评估、并最终提出区域发展的管理建议。

With the deepening of the concept of sustainable development, people are emphasizing the ecological protection in the process of socio-economic development. Ecological protection and socio-economic development are always a pair of contradictions, but ecological quality assessment can effectively help to solve the contradictions. This course is helpful to widen the vision of ecological protection for graduate students and to master the means and techniques of ecological quality assessment. Participating students can improve in the following aspects: (1) understand that ecosystems have value; (2) demonstrate different qualities in the natural world; (3) judge and select ecological factors and use geographic information system (GIS) to realize spatial model operation; (4) and provide suggestions for management based on the evaluation results.