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Advanced Environmental Chemistry


课程名称:高等环境化学Advanced Environmental Chemistry





Advanced Environmental Chemistry (AEC) provides a comprehensive view of major environmental issues in various spheres of the Earth System. Chemistry of the natural water/air/soil, main pollutants, as well as the chemical mechanisms of typical treatment and remediation technologies will be illustrated in this course. Analytical techniques for main categories of environmental pollutants are also discussed.

The main components of AEC course include:

- Chemistry of natural environmental spheres

- Legacy and emerging contaminants

- Chemical mechanisms of advanced treatment processes

- Regrettable substitution and green chemistry

- Analytical chemistry of typical contaminants

The students are expected to extend their understanding about the transport, transformation and fate of various contaminants including those so-called 'emerging contaminants'. Besides, they will form groups to conduct case studies focusing on recent contamination events or other hot topics of environmental issues. The cause or chemical mechanisms will be identified and further investigated, and technical countermeasures will be proposed based on the chemical principles learned from the course.