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Advanced Water Supply Engineering


课程名称:高等给水工程Advanced Water Supply Engineering





This course provides the modern theoretical knowledge, engineering application and frontier research to the graduates who have the basic knowledge of water supply engineering. The main contents consist of: physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of water quality and their implications; the principle of water quality standards and its development; reaction, mass transportation, and separation principle; adsorption model and application; biological treatment of oligo-nutrient source water; advanced oxidation processes and application; membrane separation; modern disinfection principle and application; the control of biological and chemical stability of water in distribution. This course is taught in English. The course is lecture-based, supplemented by classroom discussions and full interaction with the students, and combined with the latest international development in the discipline. The course aims to cultivate students' ability to analyze and solve practical problems by applying theories of the discipline, and ability to summarize the general laws by analyzing and solving practical problems.