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Hazardous Waste Disposal


课程名称:危险废物处置技术Hazardous Waste Disposal





Environmentally sound management and control of transboundary movement of hazardous wastes is one of the hot topics of environmental protection, and has formed a multi-trillion industry. This course mainly focuses on the policies for management of hazardous wastes, processes and technologies, engineering and practices of treatment and disposal, etc. This course covers: (1) Overview of hazardous waste: including the historical origin and important events related to hazardous waste, the definition, classification, and sources of hazardous waste, and the development trend of hazardous waste management; (2) Framework of hazardous waste management and regulatory system: including the introduction of laws and regulations of hazardous waste management in EU, USA, China and other countries, and the international frontier of hazardous waste management; (3) Hazardous waste treatment methods: including high-temperature thermal treatment methods, land treatment methods, resource recovery methods, physicochemical processes, biological methods, as well as stabilization and solidification methods; (4) Hazardous waste processing facilities and their operation: including hazardous waste facility types, facility operations, needs assessment, site selection, public participation, operating permits, etc.; (5) Remediation of hazardous waste contaminated sites: including hazardous waste risk assessment, characterization of contaminated sites, remediation techniques for contaminated sites, remediation actions and options selection for contaminated sites. Through the course teaching, students are expected to understand the policies related to hazardous waste in different countries, learn the management methods of hazardous waste from generation to treatment, and master the hazardous waste treatment and disposal technologies and contaminated site remediation technologies. Meanwhile, through the course assignments, students are encouraged to put their learning into practice and exercise their ability to design different processes for hazardous waste.