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Air Pollution Control Technology


课程名称:空气污染控制技术Air Pollution Control Technology




课程简介:空气污染控制技术/ Air Pollution Control Technology(全英文,80050283)

本课程主要讲授空气污染防治的基本原理和关键控制技术的基本理论,重点介绍国内外关键的大气污染控制技术和工程应用实例。课程内容主要包括:空气污染的历史、基本特征和影响、空气污染控制法律法规体系;空气污染控制的基本原理和关键控制技术的基本理论,包括空气污染物的成因和测量、燃烧过程基本原理、空气污染控制系统设计和技术选择的一般方法;以颗粒物、典型气态污染物(VOC, NOX, SO2)和CO2分别为例,介绍关键控制技术的原理和特点,控制技术的应用实例和演进趋势;最后选择两个典型的控制对象,工业源和机动车,探讨多污染物协同控制技术的工程实践和综合控制政策的示范应用。

This course, Air Pollution Control Technology, primarily focuses on the fundamentals of air pollution control and the typical air pollution control technologies and their engineering practice worldwide. The course is first to discuss topics that are common to all air pollutants, such as the history, characteristics and effects of air pollution, and the laws and regulations for air pollution control. Prior to targeting to the individual air pollutants, the general philosophies of air pollution control are discussed, including the fate and measurements of air pollutants, combustion fundamentals, and general logistics on designing air pollution control systems and equipment. For typical air pollutants, including particulate matter, VOCs, NOX, SO2, and CO2, the principles and characteristics of key control technologies (e.g., electrostatic precipitators for PM, adsorption for VOCs, etc.), application examples and evolution trends of control technologies in China and other countries will be detailed discussed. Further, the course covers two typical sources (industrial sources and motor vehicles) to explore the engineering practice of multi-pollutant synergistic control technologies and the demonstration application of integrated control policies.