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Sewerage Systems-Processes and Modelling

课程编号:   80050462

课程名称: 污水管网过程原理与模型Sewerage Systems-Processes and Modelling

课程学时:   32

课程学分:   2

授课语言: 英文

课程简介: 《污水管网过程原理与模型》这门课程主要根据污水管网领域最新的研究进展,通过知识讲授、模型软件训练、应用案例分析等教学环节,使学生掌握污水管网工艺过程的基本原理以及基于相关知识的管网问题解决方案与优化控制方法,熟悉相关的技术内容和实践经验,了解污水管网系统优化运行管理的新概念、新理论、新方法和新实践。课程内容主要包括污水管网基本结构功能与设计方法,污水管网水力学基础与入流入渗发生过程,污水系统内物质传输、污染物的生化反应的基本发生过程和原理,管网内生化反应过程的模型建立方法,污水管网腐蚀发生过程与控制方法,基于模型模拟的评价方法与优化控制策略,管网溢流控制,实际案例的训练与实践等内容。

The aim of this course named “Sewerage Systems – Processes and Modelling” is firstly to teach the key science and engineering principles and modelling under-pinning sewer processes, and secondly to use this knowledge to understand and manage key issues of integrated sewer system like inflow/infiltration, corrosion, odour and greenhouse gas emissions, overflow mitigation, integrated operation and control, and third practice the modelling tools like SWMM, SUMO, bigdata analysis method using python/Matlab.

The course will be conducted with the lecture, softwaere trainning based on the modelling, practice example etc following the latest knowledge in the field of sewage systems. The course contents include: sewage systems introduction about structure and design, sewage system hydraulics and inflow/infiltration processes, mass transport and transfer, fundamental knowledge and modeling of the in-sewer biotransformation processes, sewage corrosion occurrence and cost-effective management of sewer odour and corrosion, optimization operation and control strategy based on the evaluation by using modelling simulation, sewer overflow and mitigation, training and practice of case studies of successful sewer management approaches.