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Air Pollution Management in China

课程编号:   80050482

课程名称: 中国空气质量管理Air Pollution Management in China

课程学时:   32

课程学分:   2

授课语言: 英文

课程简介: 从我国的大气污染现象出发,结合我国大气污染治理中的热点问题,有针对性地介绍大气污染的基本知识,介绍我国雾霾污染的现状特征,污染物排放机理与排放特征,我国大气污染治理的管理体系、科学支撑体系,典型案例等。安排实地参观污染治理或管理中心,通过分组的课堂展示,让学生深入理解雾霾治理的复杂性和跨学科特征,以多学科背景讨论能源利用、空气污染、气候变化的多项关联,寻求解决方案,培养学生分析和解决能力和兴趣。此外,也可锻炼学生文献调研、数据采集、公众演讲的能力。

The air pollution has got a lot of attention in China. For foreign students who are in China, the haze or PM2.5 is a hot topic. This course will focus on these hot issues. We will introduce many contents systematically, including the basic knowledge of air pollution, the current characteristics of haze pollution in China, the pollutant emission mechanism and characteristics, haze generation mechanism, control approach, typical cases and so on. In particular, the management system and scientific research system to solve the air pollution problems in China will be introduced. A group investigation and presentation session is included, in which the students can choose the topics of interest to do discussion on the basis of three aspects---science, engineering and management. It hoped to help students deepen the understanding of the complexity of haze management and interdisciplinary characteristics of haze. It will also add on students’ interests and basic competencies in analyzing and solving the increasingly serious problems of air pollution. In addition, this course will help students to do the literature research, data collection and public speaking.