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Thermal Treatment of Waste


课程名称:废物热处理Thermal Treatment of Waste




课程简介:热处理技术是废物处理与资源化最主要技术之一,然而在全国乃至全球范围中缺乏系统介绍废物热处理技术的课程,严重制约了学生对该技术的认识。本项目基于系统调研和实地拍摄取材,补充国内外最新的固体废物热处理技术进展及应用情况,建立课程素材库、优化课程架构和开设“Thermal Treatment of Waste”课程 (80050573-0)。在2020-2022学年秋季教学中,通过优化了教学方法,建立原理讲解、案例示范和专题研讨的多元模块,采用理论与实践相结合的方式,提高了课堂学习效率,并获得学生一致认可。本课程旨在提高研究生的基本能力,如下:(1)基础知识方面:学生学习废物热处理技术的范围、发展与应用,理解废物热处理技术的基本概念、热物理和热化学基础理论,掌握废物热处理主要工艺单元的基本构成、控制原理;(2)专业素质:学生了解国内外最新的固体废物热处理技术进展及应用情况,基本具备从事固体废物热处理技术研发或改进等工作的素质;(3)技术能力:学生具备分析代表性废物热处理设施运营维护的主要技术问题,并给出应对措施的能力。

Application of thermal treatment technologies is one of the most important approaches in waste treatment and recycling. However, there is a lack of courses to introduce thermal technologies for waste treatment in China and even in the world, which limits students' knowledge in this field. Based on systematic literature investigation and field survey on the latest domestic and international application progress of thermal treatment technologies of waste, we built the course "Thermal Treatment of Waste", which is a frontier interdisciplinary course focusing on applying thermophysical and thermochemical theories to waste treatment. 

The objectives of this course are as follows: (1) To provide students with basic knowledge of a specific aspect of waste management focusing on thermo-physical and thermo-chemical techniques.(2) The students are expected to be familiar with concepts and typical unit operations of mainstream thermal units involved in waste management (i.e. Pyrolysis, Gasification, and Incineration).(3) The students will have design and policy considerations regarding alternative thermal options for a waste management system.