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Master of Engineering Management Program (Part-Time)

1. Instruction Language: Chinese

2. Training Objectives

The program aims to prepare high-level, application-oriented professionals who possess good political and professional ethics, have a systematic understanding of engineering management theories and specialized knowledge, and demonstrate strong planning, organization, command, coordination, control, and decision-making abilities to independently undertake engineering management work.

3. Degree

Master of Engineering Management

4. Duration of Study

The program adopts a training approach combining theoretical learning, practical teaching, and on-site research. Teaching activities are arranged in a part-time manner. The basic study period for this program is 2-3 years, with a maximum study period of 5 years.

5. Training Methods

Training methods include classroom teaching, professional practice, and degree thesis work.

6. Credit Requirements

The curriculum of Tsinghua's Master of Engineering Management program is closely linked to industry practices and is designed in a modular manner, striving for the optimal combination of engineering and management. The current course system includes five major modules: public compulsory courses, engineering management courses, engineering technology courses, compulsory specialized sessions, and degree thesis. Engineering management courses have been taught frequently and optimized continuously for many years; engineering technology courses emphasize specialization and cutting-edge knowledge; compulsory sessions highlight unique features and practice; degree thesis focuses on practical issues, emphasizing guidance and management throughout the whole process.

A total of at least 39 credits are required, including 5 credits for public courses, no less than 18 credits for engineering management courses, no less than 12 credits for engineering technology courses, and 4 credits for compulsory sessions.