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Engineering Design for Water and Wastewater Treatment


课程名称:水处理工程设计Engineering Design for Water and Wastewater Treatment





1、介绍国家基建工程的相关知识。设计的基本程序:可行性研究(立项)-初步设计(扩大初步设计)-技术设计-施工图设计-施工-竣工验收;与之相应的设计图纸:扩初图、施工图和竣工图;与之相应的工程投资:工程概算,工程预算和工程决算; 2、学习使用《给水排水工程设计手册》,相关《设计规范》、《排放标准》、《水质标准》等工具书; 3、学习水处理工程设计的主要技能:(1)根据《课程设计任务书》所提供的资料和要求,查找大量文献和咨询专家,确定科学可行的处理技术方案;(2)利用工具书和以往所学的基础课和专业课知识,学生们自行组队(4~5人/组)分工合作完成设计计算书和设计说明书,其中必须包含整个工程的基建投资估算、运行成本估算、施工期和运行期的环境影响评价,以及在设计、施工、运行过程中必须考虑的工程伦理问题等内容;(3)进行污水处理厂(站)的平面、高程图布置与绘图,设计并绘制一个主要构筑物的扩初图和一个核心构筑物的施工图。 4、以模拟工程招投标的形式进行课程最终答辩,培养学生的实战能力。

The course emphasizes the cultivation of students’ ability of practical design. It includes lectures and engineering design practice. Students can learn the basic concepts and principles of process design, structure design and calculation as well as how to draw using AutoCAD. Four or five students will form a design team to finish the design of a water or wastewater treatment plant. They should finish explanation file, calculation file, general layout, altitude drawing and construction drawings for two main treatment processes. The calculation of the total investment of the whole plant and the operational cost, the environmental impact assessment of the plant, and the relative ethic issues are also required.