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Water Treatment Process Equipment, Instrument and Control


课程名称:水工艺设备、仪表与控制Water Treatment Process Equipment, Instrument and Control






Water Treatment Process Equipment, Instrument and Control is a core course for the students of Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering and is a main course for the students of Environmental Engineering. It is the necessary theoretical basis for students to engage in scientific research, production and management of these majors. This course is based on the typical processes and cases of water supply / wastewater treatment at home and abroad. It focuses on the specialized equipment of the water treatment process, instrumentation and its automatic control technology. The course is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the specialized equipment for water treatment, including the classification, principle, history, equipment parameters, applicable occasions as well as new development trends. The second part is the specialized instrument and automatic control technology for water treatment, including the type and principle of special instrumentation for water treatment and its application in water supply or drainage processes, as well as the selection and application of automatic control technology commonly used in water supply plants and wastewater treatment plants. The third part is centered around the practical application and future development trend of specialized water treatment equipment, instrument and automatic control, and practical cases will be studied and discussed. Through this course, students can grasp principles, characteristics, application and development trend of water treatment process equipment, instrument and automatic control technology, so as to lay a foundation for them to engage in related professions and further study in the future.