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Air Pollution Control Engineering


课程名称:大气污染控制工程(含实验)Air Pollution Control Engineering





《大气污染控制工程》是高等学校环境工程专业的一门必修专业课,内容涉及大气污染物控制的基本理论、各种控制方法的过程分析及典型控制设备的工艺设计计算等。课程还设有大气污染控制工程实验、课程设计,并结合部分学生的毕业设计(论文)等教学环节,力求理论联系实际,培养学生分析和解决大气污染控制工程问题的能力, 使学生能应用本课程中所学的基本理论和控制方法对实际的大气污染控制工程问题进行分析,提出控制方案, 进行设备选型和工艺设计计算。

Air Pollution Control Engineering is one of required major courses for college students in Environmental Engineering. The course covers a variety of topics including the fundamental theory of air pollution control, the process analysis of various control techniques and the technical calculation and design for typical control equipment. The course also contains an experimental part, in which students are required to design and conduct several experiments related to air pollution control processes. In addition, the students need to accomplish a comprehensive class project, which requires them to analyze and solve a practical air pollution control problem. During the analysis, they need to propose feasible control techniques, perform technical calculation and choose appropriate equipment models by applying the fundamental theories and control techniques covered in the course. This course aims to improve students’ ability to analyze and solve technical problems in air pollution control area and will build a solid foundation for students to design air pollution control techniques, perform system analysis, and conduct further scientific research and technical management in the future.