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Environmental Engineering

The Environmental Engineering major in School of Environment at Tsinghua University consists of three directions: Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science, and Environmental Management. The objective is to prepare high-level professionals who are capable of controlling and managing wastewater, exhaust gas, solid waste, soil, and other pollution issues in regional, urban, and corporate settings, as well as senior environmental managers who can engage in environmental restoration, environmental planning, and sustainable management. The specific objectives are as follows:

1. Graduates will become principles in industry by solving emerging environmental problems with combined knowledge of engineering, science, and management;

2. Graduates will enter the best graduate programs and engage in life-long learning with an understanding of their professional and ethical responsibility;

3. Graduates will start-up and grow their own firms, and promote technology innovations and environmental sustainability;

4. Graduates will become recognized experts and leaders in professional societies, government, consulting firms, and academic institutes.