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Division of Solid Waste Management

WANG Hongtao
Tel: +86-10-62773438
Location: School of Environment, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084

Education Background

09/1992.09 – 10/1994: Ph. D., School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geology

09/1978 – 08/1985: MS, BS, Dept. of Hydrogeology, Changchun College of Geology


Hongtao WANG (HT Wang), Ph.D., Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering; Director of Division of Solid Waste Management; Head of Environmental Engineering Department; Expert of High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 program); Vice Director of Training Department of Asia-Pacific Regional Centre for Hazardous Waste Management Training and Technology Transfer (Basel Convention Regional Centre in China) which is hosted by Tsinghua University, supervised by the secretariat of Basel Convention, UNEP; Board member and Associate Editor Journal of Hydrology.

01/2011 – present: Professor, Director of Division of Solid Waste Management, Head of Environmental Engineering Department, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

01/2002.—01/2011: Professor, Dept. of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University

02/1995 - 01/2002: Associate Professor, Dept. of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University

04/2004 - 06/2007: Vice Chair, Dept. of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University

09/1988 - 02/1990: Visiting Scientist, Free University Amsterdam, Netherlands


1. 70050082: Dynamics of fluid flow and contaminant transport in porous media, Graduate course (Excellent course of Tsinghua University)

2. 80050273: Integrated solid waste management, English Course

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Areas of Research Interests

1. Landfilling disposal of solid waste

2. Composting/ bio-treatment of solid waste

2. Biomass to energy

4. Groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling and pollution remediation

Research Status

1. Security assessment of solid waste disposal fertilities, Public Welfare Project of Environmental Protection, funded by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China

2. Treatment of chloric organic pollutants and demonstration, The National Hi-Tech R&D Project (863 Project) of China, Key Program, funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)

3. Remediation of soil polluted by hydrophobic organics by flushing codoped TiO2 photo-catalysis, funded by National Natural Science foundation of China

4. Co-composting of sewage sludge and green waste, Integrated reduction of contaminants in the urban area of Kunming, funded by State Key Science and Technology Research Program- Water Pollution Control.

5. Sludge sound disposal and recycling, Comprehensive improvement of water environment in cities with intensive industries, funded by State Key Science and Technology Research Program- Water Pollution Control.

Honors and Awards

2012: Award of Excellent Textbook (1st grade)

, Tsinghua University

2007-Present: Award of Excellent Course: 70050082 “Dynamics of Contaminant Transport in Porous Media”, by Tsinghua University

2006: Award (1st grade) for Progress in Science and Technology (project: Non-point source pollution control in Dianchi Lake basin), by Ministry of Education

2002: Award (3rd grade) for Progress in Science and Technology (project: National action plan of hazardous waste management and information support systems), by Beijing Municipality

2000: Award (3rd grade) for Progress in Science and Technology (project: Environmental Impact of Daqing Oil Field Development), by Heilongjiang Province

2000: Award (1st grade) of Excellent Publications (Manual of Waste Treatment Technology-Solid Waste Volume, Waste Water Volume, Waste Air Volume together), by Ministry of Chemical Industry

1999, 2003: Distinguished Environmental Scientist Award, by China Society of Environmental Science

Academic Achievements

More than 180 peer-viewed papers published, among which, more than 40 are SCI papers. Some of the journal papers are listed below:

1. Hongtao Wang, Jinwen Liu, Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Huayong Wu. Stepwise superposition approach for the analytical solutions of multi-dimensional contaminant transport in finite- and semi-infinite aquifers. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 125(1-4): 86-101, 2011.

2. Hongtao Wang, Rong Han, Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Yaxin Zhang. Stepwise superposition approximation approach for analytical solutions with non-zero initial concentration using existing solutions of zero initial concentration in contaminate transport. Journal of Environmental Science, 23(6): 923-930, 2011.

3. Huayong Wu, Zeyu Zhou, Yaxin Zhang, Tan Chen, Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu. Fluorescence-based Rapid Assessment of the Biological Stability of Landfilled Municipal Solid Waste. Bioresource Technology, 110: 174-183, 2012.

4. Rong Han, Jinwen Liu, Yuancheng Zhang, Xiaoqian Fan, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang. Dewatering and granulation of sewage sludge by biophysical drying and thermo-degradation performance of prepared sludge particles during succedent fast pyrolysis. Bioresource Technology, 107: 429-436, 2012.

5. Chi Zifang, Wang Hongtao, Lu Wenjing, Zhu Yong, Long Yuyang, Zhao Yan. Diversity of methanotrophs in simulated landfill biocover reactor as revealed by PCR-DGGE. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 24:1076-1082, 2012.

6. Xiaojie Sun, Dunqiu Wang, Wenjing Lu and Hongtao Wang. Characteristics of night soil and leaf co-composting using aerobic static method. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China, 6(3): 421-427, 2012.

7. Yan Zhao, Thomas H. Christensen, Wenjing Lu, Huayong Wu, Hongtao Wang. Environmental impact assessment of solid waste management in Beijing City, China. Waste Management, 31(4): 793-799, 2011.

8. Yuyang Long, Dongsheng Shen, Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu, Yan Zhao. Heavy metal source analysis in municipal solid waste: Case study on Cu and Zn. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3): 1082-1087, 2011.

9. Jinwen Liu, Rong Han, Hongtao, Wang. Photoassisted degradation of pentachlorophenol in a simulated soil washing system containing nonionic surfactant Triton X-100 with La-B codoped TiO2 under visible and solar light irradiation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 103: 470-478, 2011.

10. Chenxi Zhao Dimitar Karakashev, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang, Irini Angelidaki. Xylose fermentation to biofuels (hydrogen and ethanol) by extreme thermophilic (70 oC) mixed culture. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35: 3415- 3422, 2010.

11. Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang, Dong Li. Combined supercritical and subcritical process for cellulose hydrolysis to fermentable hexoses, Environmental Science & Technology, 43(5): 1565-1570, 2009.

12. Hongtao WANG, Huayong WU. Analytical solutions of three-dimensional contaminant transport in uniform flow field in porous media: A library. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China, 3(1): 112-128, 2009.

13. Yan Zhao, Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu, Anders Damgaard, Thomas H. Christensen. Life cycle assessment of the municipal solid waste management system in Hangzhou, China (EASEWASTE). Waste Management and Research, 27(4): 399–406, 2009.

14. Chenxi Zhao, Sompong O-Thong, Dimitar Karakashev, Irini Angelidaki, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang. High yield simultaneous hydrogen and ethanol production under extreme thermophilic (70℃) mixed culture environment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(14):5657-5665, 2009.

15. Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang, Jinlong Yang. Fermentable hexose production from corn stalks and wheat straw with combined supercritical and subcritical hydrothermal technology, Bioresource Technology, 100(23): 5884-5889, 2009.

16. Wejing Lu, Hongtao Wang. Aromatic compound degradation by iron reducing bacteria isolated from irrigated tropical paddy soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 20:1487-1493, 2008.

17. Baoguo Tian, Jitao Si, Yanzhao Zhao, Hongtao Wang, Jiming Hao. Approach of technical decision-making by element flow analysis and Monte-Carlo simulation of municipal solid waste stream. Journal of Environmental Science, 19(5):633-640, 2007.

18. Jitao Si, Baoguo Tian, Hongtao Wang, Nicholas Basta, Jackie Schroder, Mark Casillas. Assessing availability, phytotoxicity and bioaccumulation of lead to ryegrass and millet based on the 0.1 mol/L Ca(NO3)2 extraction. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 18(5): 958-963, 2006.

19. Dong Li, Jie Zhang, Hongtao Wang, Lixue Chen, Hao Wang. Application of Biological Process to Treat the Groundwater with High Concentration of Iron and Manganese. Journal of AQUA, 55 (5): 313-320, 2006.

20. Hongtao Wang, Enzhi Wang, Kaiming Tian. A model coupling discrete and continuum fracture domains for groundwater flow in fractured media. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 42(extra): 58-66, 2004.

21. Hongtao Wang, Yongfeng Nie. Municipal solid waste characteristics and management in China. Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 51: 250-263, 2001.

22. Hongtao Wang, Yongfeng Nie. Remedial strategies for municipal solid waste management in China. Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 51: 264-272, 2001.

There are 13 patents applied/certificated and 2 sets of software registered and copyrighted.