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Home > People > Faculty

Division of Solid Waste Management

LU Wenjing
Associate Professor
Tel: +86-10-62794664
Location: School of Environment, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084

Education Background

•PhD 2001. 01 College of Nature Resources and Environmental Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

•1998. 09 - 2000. 09 PhD Thesis-research Scholar in Soil Microbiology, Crop & Environmental Science Division, International Rice Research Institute ( IRRI ), Philippines

•M.S. 1997. 07 College of Nature Resources and Environmental Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

•B.S. 1995. 07 Biology Department, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China


•2003.05 - Working as assistant researcher in the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tsinghua University,

•2001. 03 – 2003.05 Working as a p post-doctor in the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tsinghua University

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Research Area:

1.Environmental and Solid waste management

2.Microbial techniques for the remediation of hazardous and municipal solid waste

3.Diversity and microbial community structure in compost and other environmental samples

4.Environmental microbiology and ecotoxicology in wetlands

Research Projects:

1.“Strategies and technology development and integrations for non-point pollution control in rural area in Southwest China”, National key project of China (K99-05-35-02)

2.“In situ environmental application of immobilized lignocellulolytic microorganisms in agricultural waste composting”, International Foundation for Science (IFS), Sweden  

3.“Sustainable Development of Rural Area in China- strategy and technology for solid waste treatment and recycle”, Alco-Tsinghua Foundation, USA

4.“Screening and isolation of lignocellulolytic microorganisms from agricultural solid waste composting”, Tsinghua University Grant of Basic Science Research (Jc2001010)

5.“Isolation and characterization of highly effective cellulolytic bacteria from co-composting system of flower stalk and vegetable wastes”, Project-sponsored by SRF for ROCS, SEM

6.“Feasibility report of hazardous waste management and disposition in Kunming City” , Project-sponsored by Institute of Environmental Science of Kunming, Yunnan province

7.“Green waste composting project in Olympic park”, Project-sponsored by Organizing Committee of 2008 Olympic Games, and Government office of Beijing

8.“Enhanced biodegradation in municipal landfill with a novel technology of moisture distribution optimization” Project-sponsored by Xiaping Municipal Solid Waste Landfill, Shenzheng

9.“Study on technology of bioreactor landfill for municipal solid waste disposal in rural area in north China”, Project-sponsored by Science and Technology Bureau of Miyun County, Beijing

10.“National action plan and decision-making support system for hazardous waste management”, Project-sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of China

11.“Integrated MSW disposal planning and ideal management mode study for urban area in China”, 863 high tech project sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of China

Academic Achievements

Wang Hongtao, Lu Wenjing. 2006. Technology and Management of Rural Solid Waste in China, Environmental Science Publication, Beijing.