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Division of Solid Waste Management

Associate Professor, Assistant Dean
Tel: +86-10-6278 4701
Location: School of Environment, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084

Education Background

Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, The University of Sydney, Australia (2010)

M.Eng. in Environmental Engineering, Tsinghua University, China (2006)

B.Sc. in Environmental Chemistry, Nankai University, China (2001)


Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, China (2014-present)

Research Fellow, Imperial College London, UK (2013-2014)

Research Fellow, Leeds University, UK (2012-2013)

Research Associate, The University of Sydney, Australia (2010-2012)


Low-carbon Technology & Management (40050752, Year 2-3 undergraduate, 32 class hours)

Sustainable Society: Environment, Energy & Behaviors (40050773, Year-2 undergraduate, 32 class hours)

Carbon Dioxide Capture & Storage (China-France Mater Program in Environmental & Energy, 32 class hours)

Concurrent Academic

Regular reviewer for: Energy & Environmental Science, Environmental Science & Technology, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Energy & Fuels, RSC Advances, Applied Surface Science, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng., Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering

Symposium organizer of Division of Environmental Chemistry (ENVR) in ACS National Meetings

Board member of Chinese Society for Environment Science

Board member of China Energy Environmental Protection High-tech Industry Association

Chartered Member of Engineers Australia (Membership No.: 3921770)

Associate Member of IChemE (Membership No.: 99958499)

Member of UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre (UKCCSRC)

Member of High Temperature Solid Looping Cycles Network (IEAGHG)

Member of American Chemistry Society (Membership No.: 30104666)

Member of American Institute of Chemical Engineer (Membership: 9900048397)

Member of Australian Institute of Energy (Membership No.: 3448)

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects


1. Conversion of biomass wastes to energy via thermo-chemical processes, including pyrolysis, sorption-enhanced catalytic steam reforming, chemical looping steam reforming, auto-thermal gasification, etc.

2. Pollution control for waste-to-energy processes

3. Development of sustainable CO2 capture technologies via absorption, adsorption or combined sorption towards rapid commercialization.

4. Utilization or conversion of CO2 such as algae CO2 sequestration, CO2 dry reforming of fuels or biomass, algal energy, catalytic CO2 reduction, etc.

(Master, PhD and post-doctoral projects are available. Both Chinese and international candidates are welcome to apply for the full scholarship. Please send your cover letter and CV to Dr Ming ZHAO at ming.zhao@tsinghua.edu.cn)

Academic Achievements


2018 (Sum IF=39.251 so far):

1.Guozhao Ji, Ming Zhao,* and Geoff Wang. Computational fluid dynamic simulation of a sorption-enhanced palladium membrane reactor for enhancing hydrogen production from methane steam reforming. Energy, 2018, IN PRESS. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2018.01.092 (IF=4.259)

2.Abdul Raheem#, Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam#, Pepijn Prinsen#, Ming Zhao* and Rafael Luque*. Biofuel Production based in Microalgae: A sustainable bioenergy approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, IN PRESS. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.01.125. (IF=5.715)

3.Abdul Raheem, Vineet Singh Sikarwar, Jun He, Wafa Dastyar, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, Wei Wang, and Ming Zhao*. Opportunities and Challenges in Sustainable Treatment and Resource Reuse of Sewage Sludge: A Review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, IN PRESS. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2017.12.149 (IF=6.216)

4.Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam#, Pepijn Prinsen#, Abdul Raheem#, Rafael Luque and Ming Zhao*. Microalgae cultivation and metabolites production: a comprehensive review. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 2018, ACCEPTED. (IF=4.52)

5.Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam#, Joseph G. Yao#, Nicholas Florin, Anthe George, Xiaoxiong Wang, Leen Labeeuw, Yuelu Jiang, Ryan W. Davis, Ali Abbas, Peter Ralph, Paul S. Fennell and Ming Zhao*. Impact of Flue Gas Compounds on Microalgae and Mechanisms for Carbon Assimilation and Utilization – A Review. ChemSusChem, 2018, 11(2), 334-355. (IF=7.226)

6.Abdul Raheem, Guozhao Ji, Asif Memon, Siva Sivasangar, Wei Wang, Ming Zhao* and Yun Hin. Taufiq-Yap. Catalytic gasification of algal biomass for hydrogen-rich gas production: Parametric optimization via central composite design. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 158, 235-245. (IF=5.099)

7.Zhao Xiao, Ji Guozhao, Liu Wen, He Xu, Anthony Edward J. and Zhao Ming*, Mesoporous MgO promoted with NaNO3/NaNO2 for rapid and high-capacity CO2 capture at moderate temperatures, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 332, 216-226 (IF=6.216)

2017 (Sum IF=94.779):

8.Yinqiang Song# , Guozhao Ji#, Xiao Zhao, Xu He, Xiaomin Cui, Ming Zhao* , Effects of drying methods on wet chemistry synthesis of Al-stabilized CaO sorbents for cyclic CO2 capture, Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31 (11), 12521–12529 (IF=3.091)

9.Ji Guozhao#, Xu Xiaoyin#, Yang Hang, Zhao Xiao, He Xu, Zhao Ming*, Enhanced hydrogen production from sawdust decomposition using hybrid-functional Ni-CaO-Ca2SiO4 materials, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(19), 11484–11492 (IF=6.198)

10.Yanjun Liu, Wenjing Lu, Wafa Dastyar, Ruihong Meng, Yanting Liu, Xindi Fu, Hao Li, Xi Jin, Ming Zhao*, Hongtao Wang*. Fugitive halocarbon emissions from working face of municipal solid waste landfills in China as a source of greenhouse gases. Waste Management, 2017, 70, 149-157. (IF=4.03)

11.Abubakar Yusuf, Colin Snape, Jun He*, Honghui Xu, Chaojie Liu, Ming Zhao*, George Zheng Chen, Bencan Tang, Chengjun Wang, Jiawei Wang & Sailesh N. Behera. Advances on transition metal oxides catalysts for formaldehyde oxidation: A review. Catalysis Reviews: Science and Technology, 2017, 59(3), 189-233. (IF=6.143)

12.Xiao Zhao, Hui Zhou, Vineet S. Sikarwar, Ming Zhao*, Ah-Hyung A. Park*, Paul S. Fennell, Laihong Shen and Liang-Shih Fan. Biomass-based Chemical Looping Technologies: the Good, the Bad and the Future. Energy Environmental Science, 2017, 10(9), 1885-1910. Front Cover Article. (IF=29.518)

13.Vineet Singh Sikarwar#, Guozhao Ji#, Ming Zhao*, and Yujue Wang*. Equilibrium modelling of sorption enhanced co-gasification of sewage sludge and wood for hydrogen-rich gas production with in-situ carbon-dioxide capture. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56(20), 5993-6001. (IF=2.843)

14.Vineet Singh Sikarwar, Ming Zhao*, Paul S. Fennell, Nilay Shah and Edward J. Anthony*. Progress in biofuel production from gasification. Progress in Energy & Combustion Science, 2017, 61, 189-248. (IF=17.382)

15.Faith Bamiduro, Guozhao Ji, Andy P. Brown, Valerie A. Dupont, Ming Zhao* and Steven J. Milne*. Spray-dried sodium zirconate: a rapid absorption powder for CO2 capture with enhanced cyclic stability. ChemSusChem, 2017, 10, 2059-2067. (IF=7.226)

16.Muhammad Zaki Memon, Xiao Zhao, Vineet Singh Sikarwar, Arun K. Vuppaladadiyam, Steven J. Milne, Andy P. Brown, Jinhui Li, Ming Zhao*. Alkali Metal CO2 Sorbents and the Resulting Metal Carbonates: Potential for Process Intensification of Sorption-Enhanced Steam Reforming. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(1), 12-27. (IF=6.198)

17.Guozhao Ji, Muhammad Zaki Memon, Haoran Zhuo, Ming Zhao*. Experimental study on CO2 capture mechanisms using Na2ZrO3 sorbents synthesized by soft chemistry method. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 313, 646–654. (IF=6.216)

18.Abdul Raheem, Valerie Dupont, Abdul Channa, Xiao Zhao, Arun Vuppaladadiyam, Yun-Hin Taufiq-Yap, Ming Zhao*, Razif Harun*. Parametric characterisation of air gasification of chlorella vulgaris biomass. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 3, 2959?2969. (IF=3.091)

19.Muhammad Zaki Memon#, Guozhao Ji#, Jinhui Li, Ming Zhao*. Na2ZrO3 as an effective bifunctional catalyst-sorbent during cellulose pyrolysis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56 (12), 3223–3230. (IF=2.843)

2016 (Sum IF=36.606):

20.Vineet Singh Sikarwar, Ming Zhao*, Peter Clough, Joseph Yao, Xia Zhong, Mohammad Zaki Memon, Nilay Shah, Edward J. Anthony and Paul S. Fennell*. An overview of advances in biomass gasification. Energy & Environmental Science, 2016, 9, 2939-2977. (IF=29.518) Front Cover Article of Issue 10, Volume 9, October 2016.

21.Yanjun Liu, Yanting Liu, Hao Li, Xindi Fu, Hanwen Guo, Ruihong Meng, Wenjing Lu*, Ming Zhao*, Hongtao Wang. Health risk impacts analysis of fugitive aromatic compounds emissions from the working face of a municipal solid waste landfill in China. Environment International, 2016, 97, 15-27. (IF=7.088)


LBC group was still a baby…

2014 and before (Sum IF=100.245):

22.Ming Zhao*, Jeffrey Shi, Xia Zhong, Sicong Tian, John Blamey, Jianguo Jiang*, and Paul S. Fennell*. Novel Calcium Looping Absorbent Incorporated with Polymorphic Spacers for CO2 Capture and Hydrogen Production. Energy & Environmental Science, 2014, 7, 3291-3295; (IF=29.518)

23.Ming Zhao*, Bilton M, Brown AP, Cunliffe AM, Dupont VA, Comyn TP and Milne SJ. Durability of CaO-CaZrO3 adsorbents prepared for high-temperature CO2 capture by a wet chemical method. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28, 1275-1283 (IF=3.091)

24.Ming Zhao*, Minett AI and Harris AT*. A review of techno-economic models for the retrofitting of conventional pulverized-coal power plants for post-combustion capture (PCC) of CO2. Energy & Environmental Science, 2013, 6, 25-40 (IF=29.518)

25.Ming Zhao*, Yang, X, Church TL and Harris AT*. Novel CaO-SiO2 sorbent and bifunctional Ni/Co-CaO/SiO2 complex for selective H2 synthesis from cellulose, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46, 2976-2983 (IF=6.198)

26.Ming Zhao*, Church TL and Harris AT*. SBA-15 supported Ni-Co bimetallic catalysts for enhanced hydrogen production during cellulose decomposition, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2011, 101, 522-530 (IF=9.446)

27.Ming Zhao*, Yang X, Church TL and Harris AT*. Interaction between a bimetallic Ni-Co catalyst and micrometer-sized CaO for enhanced H2 production during cellulose decomposition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36, 421-431, (IF=3.582)

28.Ming Zhao, Florin NH and Harris AT. Mesoporous supported cobalt catalysts for enhanced H2 production during cellulose decomposition, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2010, 97, 142-150, (IF=9.446)

29.Ming Zhao, Florin NH and Harris AT. The influence of supported Ni catalysts on the product gas distribution and H2 yield during cellulose pyrolysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2009, 92, 185-193 (IF=9.446)

Co-author Journal Papers:

30.John Blamey, Ming Zhao, Vasilije Manovic, Edward Anthony, D. R. Dugwell, Paul Fennell*. A Shrinking Core Model for Steam Hydration of CaO-Based Sorbents Cycled for CO2 Capture. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 291, 298-305

31.Peter T. Clough, Matthew E. Boot-Handford, Ming Zhao, Paul S. Fennell. Degradation study of a novel polymorphic sorbent under realistic post-combustion conditions. Fuel, 2016, 86, 186, 708-713

32.Feng Yan, Jianguo Jiang*, Ming Zhao, Sicong Tian, Kaiming Li, Tianran Li. A green and scalable synthesis of highly stable Ca-based sorbents for CO2 capture. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 7966-7973

33.Feng Yan, Jianguo Jiang*, Kaimin Li, Sicong Tian, Ming Zhao and Xuejing Chen. Performance of Coal Fly Ash Stabilized, CaO-based Sorbents under Different Carbonation-Calcination Conditions. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2015, 3 (9), 2092-2099

34.Das A, Choucair M, Southon PD, Mason JA, Ming Zhao, Kepert CJ, Harris AD, D'Alessandro DM. Application of the Piperazine Grafted CuBTTri Metal-Organic Framework in Postcombustion Carbon Dioxide Capture. Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 174, 74-80

35.Yang X, Yuan L, Peterson V, Minett AI, Ming Zhao, Kirby N, Mudie S and Harris AT. Pre-treatment Control of Carbon Nanotube Array Growth for Gas Separation: Alignment and Growth Studied Using Microscopy and Small Angle X-ray Scattering. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5, 3063-70

36.Das A, Southon PD, Ming Zhao, Kepert CJ, Harris AT and D'Alessandro DM. CO2 adsorption using physisorption and chemisorption Interactions in piperazine-grafted Ni2(1,4-dioxido-2,5-benzenedicarboxylate). Dalton Transactions, 2012, 41, 11739-11744

37.Church TL, Fallani S, Liu J, Ming Zhao and Harris AT. Novel biomorphic Ni/SiC catalysts that enhance cellulose conversion to hydrogen, Catalysis Today, 2012, 190, 98-106

38.Widyaningrum RN, Church TL, Ming Zhao and Harris AT. Mesocellular foam silica-supported Ni catalyst to enhance H2 production from cellulose pyrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37, 9590-9601

39.Yang Z, Ming Zhao, Florin NH and Harris AT. Synthesis and characterization of CaO nanopods for high temperature CO2 capture, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2009, 48, 10765-10770

Conference Presentations:

1.Abdul Raheem, Razif Harun and Zhao Ming*. Parametric optimization of syngas production from algal biomass gasification via central composite design. 253rd American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition, 2017, San Francisco.

2.Muhammad Zaki Memon and Ming Zhao*. Potential applications of alkali metal sorbents (Li2ZrO3, Li4SiO4 and Na2ZrO3) as bifunctional material for biomass gasification. 253rd American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition, 2017, San Francisco.

3.Vineet S. Sikarwar and Ming Zhao*. Design of co-gasification of dried sludge and woody biomass for synthesis gas production in a fixed bed downdraft gasifier using Aspen Plus. 252nd American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition, 2016, Philadelphia. Aug 23. 3.25 pm.

4.Xiaomin Cui, Xiao Zhao and Ming Zhao*. Efficient hydrogen production from pyrolysis of waste beech wood by applying multi-function Ni/Co-CaO/SiO2 powder in TG-MS system. 252nd American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition, 2016, Philadelphia. Aug 24.

5.Xu He and Ming Zhao*. Novel strategy to reduce sintering, based on polymorphic materials, and application to carbon capture and storage. 252nd American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition, 2016, Philadelphia. Aug 22. 2 pm to 4 pm.

6.Muhammad Zaki Memon, Haoron Zhuo and Ming Zhao*. Alkaline ceramic CO2 sorbents (Li2ZrO3, Li4SiO4 and Na2ZrO3) and their potentials as bifunctional materials for sorption-enhanced steam reforming processes. 252nd American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition, 2016, Philadelphia. Aug 23. 1.50 pm.

7.Ming Zhao* and Harris AT. Novel SiO2 supported CaO sorbent and bifunctional Ni/Co-CaO/SiO2 complex for sorption-and-catalysis-enhanced H2 production from biomass. 241st National Meeting & Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society, 2011, 241, 34-Fuel;

Book Chapters:

1.Ji Guozhao and Ming Zhao*. Membrane Separation Technology in Carbon Capture. In Recent Advances in Carbon Capture and Storage. Ed. Yongsueng Yun. Publisher: InTech. 2017. DOI: 10.5772/62966

2.Sikarwar Vineet and Ming Zhao*. Biomass Gasification.. In Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies. Publisher: Elsevier. 2017. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.10533-0