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Division of Air Pollution and Its Control

MA Yongliang
Associate Professor
Tel: (86)-10-62771101
Location: School of Environment, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084

Education Background

M.S. in Environmental Engineering, March 1995, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

B.S. in Environmental Engineering, July 1988, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


2002-present Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University 

1994-2002  Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University 

1988-1991 Technician, Beijing Huadu Brewery

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Research Area:

1. Integrated Control for Urban Air Pollution 

2. Fine Particle Sampling and Analysis

3. R&D of Advanced Technology for SO2 and VOCs Control

Research Projects:

1. Wet FGD process with MgO for Industrial Coal-fired boilers, National High Technology Research and Development Program, 2007-2010

2. Cooperative Control  for Oil Mist and VOCs from Restaurant  Operation, National High Technology Research and Development Program, 2007-2010

3. Recovery of MgSO4  from FGD process with MgO for Sintering machine, Industrial technical Service, 2009-2010  

4. The Characteristics of Compound Air Pollution in Foshan Area. Foshan EPB, 2009-2010

Academic Achievements

1. Wang Li-dong, Ma Yong-liang, Hao Ji-ming, et al. Mechanism and kinetics of sulfite oxidation in the presence of ethanol. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2009, 48(9): 4307-4311.

2. Wang Zidong, Ma Yongliang. Experimental study on removal of low concentration benzene with UVC. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering(in Chinese), 2009, 3(7):1284-1288

3. GUO Tao, MA Yongliang, HE Kebin. Study On Spatial Distributions of Regional Ambient PM2.5/PM10 Concentrations. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering(in Chinese), 2009, 3(1):147-150

4. Yao Z L, Ma YL, He KB, et al. 2006. A study on the real2world vehicle emission characteristics in Ningbo[ J ]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae (in Chinese), 2006, 26 (8) :1229 - 1234

5. ZHANG Dihan , MA Yongliang , HE Kebin , DUAN Fengkui. Et al. Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) on Airborne Particulates in Beijing, Environmental Science( in Chinese), 2006, 27( 7):1269-1275