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Division of Water Supply and Drainage

WANG Chengwen
Tel: (86)-10-62771551
Location: School of Environment, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084

Education Background

Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering, Dec. 1996, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 

B.S. in Environmental Engineering, July 1992, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


2006-present Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University

1999-2006 Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University 

1996-1999 Lecturer, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Areas of Research Interests

1. Technology of industrial environmental pollution control and resources

2. Municipal wastewater collection and treatment technology

3. Environmental impact assessment

Research Projects

1. Cleaner Production and Source Control Technology for Industrial Park, the National Special Program of Water Pollution Control and Management, 2008-2010

2. Integrated energy saving technologies for municipal wastewater treatment process. The National Eleventh Five-year Planning of China, 2007-2010

3. Municipal wastewater source separation and reclamation technology for Beijing Olympic Forest Park, The National Eleventh Five-year Planning of China, 2007-2010

4. Construction of drainage system and integrated biological treatment technology standards for rural areas in North China, The National Eleventh Five-year Planning of China, 2007-2010

5. Optimization of novel treatment process in Buji Wastewater Treatment Plant, funded by Shenzhen Government, 2007-2010.

6. Environmental Assessment for the development strategy plan of Mengtou District in Beijing, funded by Beijing Government, 2008-2010

Academic Achievements

1. Liu RZ, Wang CW, A New Techn ique to Assessing Regional Environmental Carrying Status, Journal of Basic Science and Engineering (Chinese), Vol.17(Supplement),2009.11

2. Liu RZ, Wang CW, et al. Measur ing Environmental Carrying Capacity,Journal of Basic Science and Engineering (Chinese),Vol.17(1),2009.2

3. Wang SY, Wang CW, et al. Study on Carbon and Nitrogen Remova l byMembrane Aera tion Bioreactor, China Water & Wastewater, Vol.23(9),2007

4. Wei CH, Huang X, Wang CW,et al, Effect of a suspended carrier on membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor,Water Science and Technology, 2006, 53 (6): 211-220.

5. WU JL, WANG CW, HUANG X,  Improvement of membrane filterability of mixed liquor in membrane bioreactor by ozonation., China Environmental Science,2006,26(4):427~431 (Chinese)

6. Wang Z, Wang CW, Shi HC, Design and Development of Web-based Decision Support Center for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 3, March 2005 (Chinese)