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Division of Water Environment

HE Miao
Tel: +86-10-62796952
Location: School of Environment, Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084


1.2001-present , Department of Environmental Science and Engineering , Tsinghua University; State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control . Professor. 

2. 1995 ~ 2001 China Architecture & Building Press. Vice-editor- in- chief. 

3.1995. Dh.D in Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University.

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Areas of Research Interests

Modern Environmental Monitoring Technology (biosensor)

2.Principle and Effective Control Technology of wastewater

3.Eco-restoration of Polluted Freshwater body

Research Projects

1.Development and demonstration of electrochemical biosensor for detection of toxic chemical pollutants ( 2008-2010) ( Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863)( Co-PI) 

2.Energy Conservation technology and demonstration in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities (2007-2010) (11th Five-Year Plan" Science and Technology Supporting Programs of China (PI) 

3.Ecosystem simulation of urban waterbody with source supplied by with reused water (2008-2010) (NSF of China)(PI) 

4.The monitoring system of urban cluster’ s water environment around the Tai-Lake (2007-2010) (National great technological program on control and remediation of urban waterbody in China) (Co-PI) 

5.Development and application of immunoassay kit for rapid detection of Microsystin-LR (2007-2008) (corporation project with industry )(PI) 

6.Development and application of all-fiber immunosensor for environmental pollutants (2007-2009) (corporation project with industry )(Co-PI) 

7.Study on Immunosensor of Persistent Organics Pollutant (POPs) in water (2005-2006) (Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863)(PI) 

8.Development of evanescent wave all-fiber immunosensor for environmental water analysis(2002-2004 (Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863)(PI)

Academic Achievements

Published Books:

1.Theory and technique of wastewater anaerobic biological treatment, China Architecture & Building Press. 

2.Treatment and reuse of industrial wastewater , Taiwan, be acquired support by feng-li environmental protection foundation. 

3.Urban ecology and urban environmental protection , Chemical Industry Press.

Published Articles:

1. F. Long, M. He, H.C. Shi, A.N. Zhu. Development of evanescent wave all-fiber immunosensor for environmental water analysis. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2008, 23: 952-958.

2. F. Long, H.C. Shi, M. He, A.N. Zhu. Sensitive and rapid detection of 2,4-dicholorophenoxy -acetic acid in water samples by using evanescent wave all-fiber immunosensor, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2008, 23: 1361-1366.

3. Jianwu Sheng, Miao He, Hanchang Shi. A highly specific immunoassay for microcystin-LR detection based on a monoclonal antibody, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2007, 603: 111-118.

4. Na Wang, Miao He, Hanchang Shi. Novel indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method to detect Total E. coli in water environment, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2007, 590: 224-231.

5. Jianwu Sheng, Miao He, Hanchang Shi. A comprehensive immunoassay for the detection of microcystinsin waters based on polyclonal antibodies, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2006, 572: 309-315.

6. Xiaohong Zhou, Hanchang Shi, Qiang Cai*, Miao He, Yinxi Wu. Function of self-forming dynamic membrane and biokinetic parameters’ determination by microelectrode, Water Research, 2008, 42: 2369-2376.

7. Xinxin Huang, Miao He, Han-chang Shi, Qiang Cai. Construction of Recombinate Luminescence Bacteria Vector to Evaluate the Genetoxic of Environment Pollutants. Luminescence, 2008, 23: 73. 

8. Peng Fangyi, He Miao, Sheng Jianwu, Shi Hanchang. Study on Enzyme Immuno-Chemistry of Nitroaniline in Water,Acta Chimica Sinica, 2007, 65: 2563-2569.

9. Long Feng, Shi Hanchang, He Miao, Zhu An-Na, Feng LiXia. Development and Performance Study of Evanescent Wave All-fiber Immunosensor, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2007, 6: 919-923

10. Song Badong, Shi Hanchang, He Miao, Zhang Fan, Guo Bin-Bin. Development and Test of the Planar Waveguide Fluorescent Immunosensor, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2007, 35: 461-465