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Multi-measures and the construction of a big data platform for informatization 2018/01/16 10:21:49
Security department (party committee security department) and the people’s armed forces department of t... 2018/01/16 07:24:13
The armed security branch has continued to learn more about the party class of the nineteenth spirit and... 2018/01/12 10:25:49
Security department convenes 2017 annual security work summary conference 2018/01/11 10:27:46
My youth rejected drugs -- the first propaganda activity of the university students’ anti-drug culture f... 2017/12/23 10:30:19
Security department head to southwest university of science and technology security research 2017/11/17 10:53:21
Deputy Secretary Chen Zhijian met leaders of the second division of Chengdu Public Security Bureau 2015/01/15 18:30:22
Our security office visited the security office of UESTC 2015/01/07 16:26:49
Notification for the Recent Situation of Public Security 2014/12/27 11:52:46
On-the-spot survey to remove hidden perils 2014/12/21 16:26:15
Deputy Secretary Chen Zhijian investigated the traffic of Jiuli Campus and gave directions 2014/12/16 21:20:05
Ni Guoqing, the former Director, was handing over work to incumbent Director Li Qi 2014/12/11 20:00:27
Re-arrangement of directors 2014/12/10 18:10:24
案件情况通报(十六年后,校园故意伤害致死案疑犯归案) 2014/10/29 09:32:22
保卫处案情通报 2014/05/26 10:34:48
校园车辆信息通报 2013/10/17 15:03:08
犀浦校区保安服务工作简报(2012年10月) 2012/10/12 11:20:02
ATM机上忘取卡,5000元被取走 2012/03/16 15:07:51
视频监控擒贼记五 2011/01/05 15:09:19
公寓窃贼被擒记 2010/12/15 10:43:09
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