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关于做好2021年“五一”劳动节期间留学生安全稳定工作的通知Notice on International Labour Day Arrangement, 2021

作者:    发布日期:2021-04-30     浏览:


全体在校留学生 DEAR ALL:
根据学校《关于做好“五一”期间疫情防控工作的通知》和《关于调整优化学校疫情防控措施的通知》的要求,为做好2021年劳动节放假期间安全稳定工作,保障学生身心健康和生命安全,现将有关事项通知如下:According to the university notice on 2021 International Labour Day, and to ensure the physical, mental health and life safety of students, the arrangements for the vacation are notified as follows.
一、放假安排 Holidays Arrangement
1.放假时间 Time:2021年5月1日至5月5日From May 1 to May 5, 2021
2.寒假期间国际学院老师在岗值班,值班时间为上午8:30-11:30,下午2:30-5:30;外国留学生公寓执行24小时值班CIE office will be on shift-duty during the winter vacation. Office hours: 8:30a.m.-11:30 a.m., 2:30p.m.-5:30p.m. The international students’ office will be on duty round the clock everyday.
二、假期疫情防控及安全要求Pandemic Prevention and Control and Safety Requirements
1.在校外国留学生及陪读家属务必遵守中国的相关法律法规和校纪校规,不得从事任何违法活动;外出时关闭门窗和水源、电源开关。On-campus international students and their dependents shall obey China’s laws and relevant regulations as well as NWAFU’s student rules. Remember to cut off water and power supply before leaving dorms.
2.全体留学生要做好个人健康信息上报,继续坚持每日健康打卡,同时避免到人群密集和密闭场所,养成勤洗手、常通风的良好卫生习惯。All international students should report their personal health information, and continue to punch in daily. At the same time, they should avoid going to crowded and airtight places, and develop good hygiene habits of washing hands and ventilation frequently.
3.假期期间应尽量减少外出,却需离开杨凌的,严格执行请假制度,严禁前往国内疫情中高风险地区。对未请假离校、未按期返校的学生,学院将会严肃处理。Everybody should avoid going out during the holidays, but those who need to leave Yangling should strictly implement the leave system, and it is forbidden to go to high-risk areas in China. Students who leave school without asking for leave or fail to return to school on time will be seriously punished.
4.外出学生需做好自身防护,主动配合交通场站做好体温检测、查验“健康码”,乘坐交通工具时全程戴口罩。International students should protect yourselves, take the initiative to cooperate with traffic stations to check your body temperature and check your "health code", and you need do wear masks during the whole journey.
5.假期期间的在校留学生,在进行科研实验时,务必注意实验室安全。International students must pay attention to laboratory safety when conducting scientific research experiments during the holidays.
6.近期流行性腮腺炎、水痘、猩红热、麻疹等吸道传染病呈上升趋势,请同学们注意防范。Recently, mumps, chickenpox, scarlet fever, measles and other respiratory tract diseases are on the rise. Please take precautions.


版权所有 西北农林科技大学国际学院