鲍名 Dr. Ming Bao
Professor, 博士生导师
School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University
Room B210, Atmospheric Sciences Building
Email: baom@nju.edu.cn
本学期最后一周对学生开放时间:1月10日(周五)15:00-17:00 B210
诚朴雄伟,励学敦行 —— 南京大学校训
Building Knowledge for Today and Scientists for Tomorrow —— ATMOS.UW.EDU
*News* (within one year)
2025.03 Journal Club 第115期 (Mar 6, 10-11am, D101): Tropospheric Amplification of Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling
2024.12 杨鹏坤平流层-对流层相互作用研究JC接收发表;
2024.11 王译铭热带-热带外相互作用研究JC接收发表;
2024.10 杨鹏坤获2024年南大博士生创新引领计划-创优项目;
2024.09 硕士生汪子健加入研究组;
Research Interests
Atmospheric Waves;
General Circulation of the Atmosphere;
Tropical-Extratropical Interactions;
Stratospheric-Tropospheric Coupling
代表作:1. 首次命名"西半球环流型(WH型)",西半球环流型的形成维持机制及对平流层极涡的影响
(Bao & Wallace 2015 JAS; Tan et al. 2017 JCLI; Tan et al. 2019 JCLI; Tan & Bao 2020 GRL)
2. 副热带急流结构影响MJO热带外响应的机制
(Bao & Hartmann 2014 GRL) [AGU研究亮点]
3. 平流层增温事件的对流层前兆和前期极涡条件作用
(Bao et al. 2017 GRL; Yang et al. 2023 JCLI; Yang et al. 2023 GRL; Yang et al. 2024 GRL)
If you are interested in graduate study in The Atmospheric General Circulation and Climate Dynamics please contact me!
Ph.D Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University (1999-2004) Advisors: 倪允琪教授 & 丑纪范院士
(Visiting student, China Meteorological Administration, 2002-2004)
B.S. Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University (1995-1999)
Professional Experience
2008.5~Present Professor (2021.12), Associate Professor (2011.12), Lecturer (2008.5), School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University
2013.4~2015.4 Visiting scholar, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
(Host professors: 美国科学院院士 Prof. Dennis L. Hartmann & 美国科学院院士 Prof. John M. Wallace)
2004.6~2008.5 Assistant Researcher, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Research advisor: 黄荣辉院士)
@ Introduction to Climate Dynamics (Undergraduate; Spring 2020, 2022~2025)
@ The Atmospheric General Circulation (Graduate; Spring 2024; half of the course)
L1 Atmospheric Observations and Models L2 Heuristic Models of the General Circluation
L3 Angular Momentun Balance L4 Mass Balance L5 Balance of Total Energy L6 Mechanical Energy Cycle
L7 Dynamics of the Zonal Mean Flow L8 Wave-Mean Flow Interaction
L9 NH Winter Zonally Varying Climatology_2024.pdf
L10 High Frequency Extratropical Transients_2024.pdf
L11 Low Frequency Extratropical Transients_2024.pdf
L12 Global Stratospheric Circulation_2024.pdf
L13 Wave-Mean Flow Interaction in the Tropical Stratosphere_2024.pdf
L14-15 Annual and Seasonal Mean Circulation of the Tropics_2024.pdf
L16 Tropical Convection L17 ENSO L18 MJO L19 Tropical Daily Variabiliy L20 Higher Frequency Variability
@ Introduction to Tropical Meteorology (Undergraduate & Graduate; Fall 2015~2019)
@ Introduction to Earth Science and Resource Environment (Undergraduate; Fall 2017~2020; quarter of the course)
@ Physical Climatology (Undergraduate; Spring 2009~2013, 2018~2019; half of the course)
@ The Frontier Issues of Atmospheric Sciences (Graduate; 2017 two lectures)
Group Members
杨鹏坤 (博士生, 2021.9-, Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling) co-advised by 任雪娟教授
马晨明 (博士生, 2022.9-, Storm Track Dynamics)
王译铭 (直博生, 2020.9-, Tropical-Extratropical Interactions)
汪子健 (硕士生, 2024.9-, Tropical Circulation)
Former Students
Ph.D M.S. | 谭鑫 (2018~2021“西半球环流型的形成维持机制及对平流层极涡的影响” -博士生国奖) -现中国地质大学 (武汉) 大气科学系特任副教授 杨鹏坤 (2019-2021硕博连读硕士生阶段) -Now PhD student, NJU 马晨明 (2019-2022“高层和低层的北太平洋风暴轴对急流强度与斜压性的不同响应”) -Now PhD student, NJU 谭鑫 (2015~2018“西半球环流型的动力学研究” -南京大学优秀硕士学位论文;硕士生国奖) |
B.S. | 董聪(2023)-PhD student, UW; 姚吴秋实(2022)-MS student, IAP; 崔乐辉(2021)-PhD student, TJU; 王译铭(2020)-PhD student, NJU; 杨鹏坤(2019)-PhD student, NJU; 施尚永(2018)-PhD student, FSU; 叶韫盛(2017)-MS, NJU; 黄凯(2016)-PhD, GMU; 孙颖(2013)-MS, McGill; 陈锦鹏(2013); 宋磊(2011)-PhD, IAP; 何嘉 (2011)-PhD, Gatech; 杨皇 (2010)-PhD, Cornell; 刘野(2010)-PhD, NJU; 王军(2009)-PhD, IAP; 王凯(2009) |
(supervised student is underlined and asterisk denote corresponding author)
Submitted/In preparation:
Ma, C., and M. Bao*, 2024: Understanding midwinter suppression of baroclinic wave activity in the Pacific from linear perspective of baroclinic wave growth. JAS, revised, December.
Yang, P., M. Bao, Y. Xia, and X. Ren*, 2025: The role of vortex preconditioning in the occurrence of Antarctic weak polar vortex events. J. Climate, accepted.【南半球极涡变异的平流层内部动力机制】
Wang, Y., and M. Bao*, 2025: Anomalous Hawaiian sea level pressure is key to initiate the North Pacific meridional mode. J. Climate, 38, 203-217, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0753.1. Official link【北太平洋经向模态触发机制的再研究】
Yang, P., Y. Xia*, Y. Hu*, M. Bao, X. Ren, C. Zhou, and Y. Zhu, 2024: Impact of paleogeography on the stratospheric polar vortex in the geological past. Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2024GL111251. Official link【古地理变化对平流层极涡的深时影响】
Yang, P., M. Bao*, and X. Ren, 2024: Preconditioned stratospheric modulation on the occurrence of stratospheric final warmings. Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2023GL107294. Official link【平流层最后增温发生时机受前期极涡状态的调制】
Yang, P., M. Bao, and X. Ren*, 2023: Influence of preconditioned stratospheric state on the surface response to displacement and split sudden stratospheric warmings. Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2023GL103992. Official link【前期极涡状态影响SSW事件的地面响应】
Yang, P., M. Bao*, X. Ren, and X. Tan, 2023: The Role of vortex preconditioning in influencing the occurrence of strong and weak sudden stratospheric warmings in ERA5 reanalysis. J. Climate, 36, 1197-1212, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0319.1. Official link【前期极涡状态对引发SSW事件的重要作用】
Ma, C.*, and M. Bao, 2023: Different response of North Pacific storm tracks in the upper and lower troposphere to jet strength. AOSL, 16, doi:10.1016/j.aosl.2022.100272. Official link
Ma, C., P. Yang*, X. Tan, and M. Bao, 2022: Possible causes of the occurrence of a rare Antarctic sudden stratospheric warming in 2019. Atmosphere, 13, 147. Official link
Tan, X., and M. Bao*, 2020: Linkage between a dominant mode in the lower stratosphere and the Western Hemisphere circulation pattern. Geophys. Res. Lett., e2020GL090105. Official link【平流层低层极涡变异主模态与西半球环流型的关联】
Tan, X., M. Bao*, and X. Ren, 2019: Energetics of the Western Hemisphere circulation pattern. J. Climate, 32, 7857-7870, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0211.1. Official link【西半球环流型形成维持的能量学机制】
Tan, X., M. Bao*, D. L. Hartmann, and P. Ceppi, 2017: The role of synoptic waves in the formation and maintenance of the Western Hemisphere circulation pattern. J. Climate, 30, 10259-10274, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0158.1. Official link【西半球环流型形成维持的波动机制】
Bao, M.*, X. Tan, D. L. Hartmann, and P. Ceppi, 2017: Classifying the tropospheric precursor patterns of sudden stratospheric warmings. Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 8011-8016, doi:10.1002/2017GL074611. Official link【SSW事件的三类对流层前兆环流型】
Bao, M.*, and J. M. Wallace, 2015: Cluster analysis of Northern Hemisphere wintertime 500-hPa flow regimes during 1920–2014. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 3597-3608, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-15-0001.1. Official link【一个新的北半球冬季大气低频流型】【入选教材 The Atmospheric General Circulation】
Bao, M.*, and D. L. Hartmann, 2014: The response to MJO-like forcing in a nonlinear shallow-water model. Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 1322-1328, doi:10.1002/2013GL057683. Official link【副热带急流结构影响MJO热带外响应的机制】【AGU研究亮点】
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~分 界 线~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bao, M.*, and R. Han, 2009: Delayed impacts of the El Nino episodes in the central Pacific on the summertime climate anomalies of eastern China in 2003 and 2007. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 26, 553-563, doi:10.1007/s00376-009-0553-7. Official link
Bao, M.*, 2009: Causes of deficit Meiyu over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the last several years viewed from medium range weather process. Chin. J. Atmos. Sci., 33, 708-718, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2009.04.05. Official link
Bao, M.*, 2008: Relationship between persistent heavy rain events in the Huaihe River valley and the distribution pattern of convective activities in the tropical western Pacific warm pool. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 25, 329-338, doi:10.1007/s00376-008-0329-5. Official link
Bao, M.*, 2008: Comparison of the effects of anomalous convective activities in the tropical western Pacific on two persistent heavy rain events in South China. J. Tropical Meteor., 14, 28-32. Official link
Bao, M.*, 2007: The statistical analysis of the persistent heavy rain in the last 50 years over China and their backgrounds on the large scale circulation. Chin. J. Atmos. Sci., 31, 779-792, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2007.05.03. Official link【中国暴雨气候学研究被引用约130篇】
Bao, M.*, and R. Huang, 2006: Characteristics of the interdecadal variations of heavy rain over China in the last 40 years. Chin. J. Atmos. Sci., 30, 1057-1067, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2006.06.01. Official link【中国暴雨气候学研究被引用约120篇】
Bao, M.*, and R. Huang, 2005: Intercomparison of the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation in China simulated by AOGCMS from IPCC-DDC. J. Tropical Meteor., 11, 10-22. Official link
Bao, M.*, Y. Ni, and J. Chou, 2004: The experiment of monthly mean circulation prediction using the analogy-dynamical model. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49, 1296-1300, doi:10.1360/03wd0497. Official link
Forecasts: ECMWF
Journals: JAS GRL JCLI WCD 大气科学
Datasets: ERA5 NCEP/DOE II 20CRv3
APARC NCC-CMA NOAA/CPC Australian BOM Tokyo Climate Center
Others: 我所知道的芝加哥学派