“风云英华”学术讲座第九十七期 吕健教授


报告题目:Pattern-aware feedback framework for regional climate response

报告人:吕健 教授




The so-called pattern-effect for explaining the discrepancy in the climate feedback between models and between model and observation has gained considerable traction in climate change research community recently. However, the conceptual underpinning behind the pattern-effect literature is flawed. We devise a pattern-aware feedback framework for the forced climate response using a suite of Green’s function-based solar radiation perturbation experiments to overcome the caveat of the existing climate feedback literature that disregards the co-variation between circulation and the radiative processes. By considering the energy balance for the atmospheric column, a linear response function (LRF) for important climate variables and feedback quantities such as moist static energy, sea surface temperature, albedo, cloud optical depth, lapse rate etc., is learned from the experiment data. The resultant LRF decodes the efficiency of the energy diffusion in both the ocean and atmosphere, and the pattern-aware feedbacks from the radiatively active processes. The LRF can then be decomposed into forcing-response mode pairs which are in turn used to construct a reduced-order model (ROM) describing the dominant dynamics of climate response. These mode pairs capture the nonlocal effects in the climate response and feedback. An intriguing outcome of our approach is that the most excitable mode of the LRF captures the polar amplified response of the climate system and this mode is explainable in the data-learned, pattern-aware feedback framework. As it turns out, learning the climate feedbacks of a climate system is mathematically equivalent to solving an inverse problem of the system.


吕健,中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院教授。博士毕业于中国海洋大学和Dalhousie大学。曾就职于乔治梅森大学,COLA和美国西北太平洋国家实验室。同时担任Climate DynamicsJournal of Climate的编委。发表论文170余篇。自202410月入职中国海洋大学。主要从事气候与气候变化的大尺度动力学研究。研究方向包括大气环流的动力机制,波流相互作用,海气相互作用,以及从动力系统的角度考察气候系统的强迫相应关系及其在气候工程上的应用。


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