- 教师英文名称:Huilin Liu
- 教师拼音名称:Liu Huilin
- 电子邮箱:91fed6c3e7042f31caffe63bba93c85e832dfba89079d7b03684830115de630ba3fc497724a0d73e4d5156991938454711c7b918e6c4a4e749ca72dbc7d03b7d125ee03a052aa004870cda75739b5c06e5099060176d59e16fcd6d70ab958b426d49d745db4bd8a8465567c963cdea3ca2070ce0c2aee859160fb4c70ef438eb
- 入职时间:1988-07-01
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 在职信息:在职
- 学科:计算机系统结构
Liu Zeguang, Li Yao, Liu, Huilin Fuzzy time-series prediction model based on text features and network features NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS 2021(3).
Li, Yao, Cui Huiyuan, Liu Huilin, Li Xiaoou Triple-layer attention mechanism-based network embedding approach for anchor link identification across social networks NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS 2021(10).
Liu, Zeguang, Li Yao, Liu Huilin Influence maximization based on maximum inner product search NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS 2021(10).
Li Yao,Liu Huilin, Li Xiaoou.*,Cui Huiyuan.Li Yao, Cui Huiyuan, Liu Huilin, Li Xiaoou. [C] SMC2020,Display Name-Based Anchor User Identification across Chinese Social Networks pp.3984-3989..
Du Xiaofu, Liu Huilin, Tseng Hsien-Wei. Adaptive Method to Locate Seed Points Based on Information Entropy and Quadtree[J] SENSORS AND MATERIALS, 2021,33(2):789-804.
Du Xiaofu, Liu, Huilin, Tseng Hsien-Wei, Meen Teen-Hang. A Vector Field Texture Generation Method without Convolution Calculation[J]. SYMMETRY-BASEL, 12(5), p724(21pp.),May 2020.
刘辉林,闫娜,罗梦莹. SLTA-PathSim:一种融合节点属性和文本信息的相似性度量算法[J] 小型微型计算机系统 2020 第41卷 第3期 P485-490.
Li Mo, Xin Junchang, Wang Zhiqiong, Liu Huilin. Accelerating Minimum Temporal Paths Query Based on Dynamic Programming[C] ADMA 2019 vol(11888)pp.48-62.
Xiaofu Du, Huilin Liu. Mesh Segmentation Algorithm of the Nephogram in Four-node Quadrilateral Mesh[C] CCDC 2019, p 2938-2943,June 2019..
Liu Zeguang, Li Yao, Liu Huilin. Link Prediction in Evolving Networks Base on Information Propagation[J] IEEE Access,2019,vol(07), pp.140451-140459.