- 教师英文名称:Huilin Liu
- 教师拼音名称:Liu Huilin
- 电子邮箱:91fed6c3e7042f31caffe63bba93c85e832dfba89079d7b03684830115de630ba3fc497724a0d73e4d5156991938454711c7b918e6c4a4e749ca72dbc7d03b7d125ee03a052aa004870cda75739b5c06e5099060176d59e16fcd6d70ab958b426d49d745db4bd8a8465567c963cdea3ca2070ce0c2aee859160fb4c70ef438eb
- 入职时间:1988-07-01
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 在职信息:在职
- 学科:计算机系统结构
Du Xiaofu, Liu Huilin. Seed Filling Preprocessing: A universal visualization preprocessing method in irregular grids[C] CCDC 2018, p 4378-4382, July 6, 2018.
董薇, 刘辉林, 张丹.全媒体时代人工现实技术在图书馆营销中的应用初探[J]. 国家图书馆学刊, 2017(1):94-103..
Liu H , Chen C , Xin J C , et al. <strong>Searching the Informative Subgraph Based on the PeakGraph Model[J]. Computer Journal, 2016, 59(8):1207-1219..
Liu H , Jiang C , Hu C , et al. <strong>Efficient relation extraction method based on spatial feature using ELM[J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 2016, 27(2):271-281..
Liu H , Li Y , Liu H . Self Forward and Information Dissemination Prediction Research in SINA Microblog Using ELM[M]// Proceedings of ELM-2015 Volume 2. Springer International Publishing, 2016..
Huilin Liu; Shan Li; Chunfeng Jiang; He Liu, Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Micro Blog Based on DNN and ELM and Vector Space Model, Extreme Learning Machines 2015, 2015.12.15-2015.12.17.
Huilin Liu and Yao Li, “Weibo Information Propagation Dissemination Based on User Behavior Using ELM,”?Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2015, Article ID 876218, 11 pages, 2015.?.
李梁, 吴刚, 刘辉林, et al. 数据库性能测试可视化工具VisualDBBench及面向内存数据库的应用[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 2014(5):340-350..
Chen, Chen; Liu, Huilin; Xin, Junchang; Nie, Tiezheng; Pang, Zhiqiang, ELS: An efficient entity linking system, 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2013, Nanjing, China, 2013.10.13-2013.10.15.