1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,静电纺丝制备纳米复合材料及其环境应用研究21777040, 80万,在研,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,大气颗粒物重金属形态分析及人群暴露指示物研究91543107, 88.22万,在研,主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金重点国际合作研究项目,生物合成纳米材料的生成机制及水环境行为与效应研究21620102008, 77.6万,在研,参与(国内合作方主持人)。
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于耦合效应的纳米复合材料与典型污染物相互作用研究2127704,80万,结题,主持。
5.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,复相多界面气态和含硫砷形态衍生物的迁移转化与归趋研究20807014, 20万,结题,主持。
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,典型摄入途径唾液砷代谢形态分析研究21077033, 35万,结题,主持。
7. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,银修饰纳米复合纤维膜环境应用及稳定性研究8182051, 20万,在研,主持。
8. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,复合纳米材料与不同形态汞的多相界面过程研究8132038, 14万,结题,主持。
9. 中央高校业务费专项资金资助项目重大项目,细颗粒物有毒组分及环境效应研究2017ZZD07, 100万,在研,主持。
10. 教育部新世纪优秀人才, 2009年,环境科学NECT-10-0341, 50万,结题,主持。
11. 河北省自然科学基金面上项目,燃煤发电典型介质中砷汞赋存形态及生物有效性研究B2010001676, 5万,结题,主持。
12. 煤燃烧国家重点实验室开放基金,燃煤发电典型固废有毒元素物相迁移及形态转化研究FSKLCC1414, 5万,结题,主持。
13. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目,燃煤电站典型有毒元素逃逸与生物有效性研究2009-1001, 2.5万,结题,主持。
14. 教育部博士学科点专项资金资助项目,非典型环境介质挥发性砷化合物生成释放与环境效应研究200800791013, 3.6万,结题,主持。
15. 中央高校业务费专项资金资助项目重点项目,典型污染物与新型修饰纳米材料界面过程研究10ZG01, 21.5万,结题,主持。
16. 中央高校业务费专项资金资助项目重点项目,基于新材料的能源代谢污染物控制与检测技术11ZG13, 25万元,结题,主持。
17. 中央高校业务费专项资金资助项目重点项目,静电纺丝制备纳米复合纤维及其形态分析应用研究2015ZD26, 20万,结题,主持。
18. 国家重点实验室开放基金项目,基于新材料的气态汞污染控制机理与形态分析研究KF2011-29, 5万,结题,主持。
19. 国家重点实验室开放基金项目,典型有毒化学污染物环境代谢产物分析方法的基础研究KF2008-01, 5万元,结题,主持。
20. 国家科技部“973”项目“资源利用与环境安全的基础研究”子课题,持久性有毒化学污染物的控制与健康效应研究2008CB417201,结题,参与(排名第二)。
1. Xing Diao, Chun-Gang Yuan*, Jingjing Wu, Kegang Zhang, Cheng Zhang, Bing Gui. Mercury fractions in gypsum and estimation of mercury emission from coalfired power plants. Fuel, 2018, 226: 298-306.
2. Xing Diao, Chun-Gang Yuan*, Jingjing Wu, Bing Gui, Kegang Zhang, Cheng Zhang. Mercury release and fraction transformation during desulfurization gypsum aging process (UV irradiation). Fuel, 2018, 217: 522-528
3. Chun-Gang Yuan*, Can Huo, Bing Gui, Jing-Fu Liu, Yong-Sheng Chen. Facile phyto-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Chinese winter jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. cv. Dongzao) extract and their antibacterial/catalytic properties. IET Nanobiotechnology, 2017, 11(8): 973-980.
4. Can Huo, Chun-Gang Yuan*, Yu-Kai Li, Peng-Le Liu, Jing-Fu Liu. Characterization and quantification of biosynthesized gold nanoparticles using Chenopodium aristatum L. stem extract. Journal of Cluster Science, 2017, 28(5): 2953-2967.
5. Jiao-Jiao Xie, Xuan Hu, Yi-Wen Shen, Chun-Gang Yuan*, Ke-Gang Zhang, Xiang Zhao. Bioavailability and speciation of arsenic in urban street dusts from Baoding city, China. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 2017, 29(1): 135-142.
6. Chun-Gang Yuan*, Can Huo, Bing Gui, Wei-Ping Cao. Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using Citrus maxima peel extract and their catalytic/antibacterial activities. IET Nanobiotechnology, 2017, 11(5): 523-530.
7. Chun-Gang Yuan*, Can Huo, Bing Gui, Pengle Liu, Cheng Zhang. Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Chenopodium aristatum L. Stem Extract and Their Catalytic/Antibacterial Activities. Journal of Cluster Science, 2017, 28(3): 1319-1333.
8. Chun-Gang Yuan*, Can Huo, Shuixin Yu, Bing Gui. Biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using Capsicum annuum var. grossum pulp extract and its catalytic activity. Physica E, 2017, 85: 19-26.
9. Chun-Gang Yuan*, Shiwei Guo, Jian Song, Can Huo, Yukai Li, Bing Gui, Xianmei Zhang. One-step fabrication and characterization of a poly(vinyl alcohol)/silver hybrid nanofiber mat by electrospinning for multifunctional applications. RSC Advances, 2017, 7(8): 4830-4839.
10. Chun-Gang Yuan*, Jincong Wang, Wenhua Zhai, Yan Zhang, Yangyang Zhang, Jie Li, Qinghua Zhang. Silver modified magnetic carbon nanotubes composite as a selective solid phase extractor for preconcentration and determination of trace mercury ions in water solution. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 93(14): 1513-1524.
11. Yi Jin, Chun-Gang Yuan*, Wanping Jiang, Liqiang Qi. Evaluation of bioaccessible arsenic in fly ash by an in vitro method and influence of particle-size fraction on arsenic distribution. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2013, 15: 516–521.
12. Chun-Gang Yuan*, Yi Jin, Shuya Wang. Fractionation and distribution of arsenic in desulfurization gypsum, slag and fly ash from a coal-fired power plant. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013, 22: 884-889.
13. Chun-Gang Yuan*, Kai Lin, Ailing Chang, Determination of trace mercury in environmental samples by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry after cloud point extraction. Microchimica Acta, 2010, 171(3-4): 313-319.
14. Chun-Gang Yuan, Kegang Zhang, Zhenhua Wang, Guibin Jiang*. Rapid analysis of volatile arsenic species released from lake sediment by a packed cotton column coupled with atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2010, 25(10): 1605-1611.
15. Chun-Gang Yuan*, Qing-Peng Li, Ya-Na Feng, Ai-Ling Chang. Fractions and leaching characteristics of mercury in coal. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2010, 167(1-4): 581-586.
16. Chun-Gang Yuan*, Lian-Qing Yin, Song-Tao Liu, Bin He. Leaching behavior and bioavailability of arsenic and selenium in fly ash from coal-fired power plants. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2010, 19(2): 221-225.
17. Chun-Gang Yuan. Leaching characteristics of metals in fly ash from coal-fired power plant by sequential extraction procedure. Microchimica Acta, 2009, 165(1-2): 91-96.
18. Jie Qin, Corinne R. Lehr, Chun-Gang Yuan, X. Chris Le, Timothy R. McDermott, Barry P. Rosen*, Biotransformation of arsenic by a Yellowstone thermoacidophilic eukaryotic alga. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2009, 106 (13): 5213-5217.
19. 苑春刚, X. Chris Le*. 砷形态分析. 化学进展, 2009, 21(2-3): 467-473.
20. Chun-Gang Yuan, Xiufen Lu, Jie Qin, Barry P. Rosen, X. Chris Le*. Volatile arsenic species released from Escherichia coli expressing the AsIII S-adenosylmethionine methyltransferase gene. Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42 (9): 3201-3206.
21. Chun-Gang Yuan, Xiufen Lu, Nicole Oro, Zhongwen Wang, Yajuan Xia, Timothy J. Wade, Judy Mumford, X. Chris Le*. Arsenic speciation analysis in human saliva. Clinical Chemistry, 2008, 54(1): 163-171.
22. Chun-Gang Yuan, Gui-Bin Jiang*, Bin He. Evaluation of the extraction methods for arsenic speciation in rice straw, Oryza Sativa L., and analysis by HPLC-HG-AFS, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2005, 20: 103-110.
23. Chun-Gang Yuan, Jianbo Shi, Bin He, Jingfu Liu, Lina Liang, Guibin Jiang*. Speciation of heavy metals in marine sediments from the East China Sea by ICP-MS with sequential extraction. Environment International, 2004, 30: 769-783.
1. 用于挥发性气态砷化合物分离的气相色谱柱制备方法. ZL200810055518.X.
2.一种用于分析仪器的污染物多相代谢细菌培养与产物收集接口装置. ZL 200910074177.5.
3. 一种挥发性气态砷化合物快速分离检测方法. ZL200910074407.8.
4.一种气态砷化合物仪器联用形态分析测定方法. ZL200910075365.X.
5.一种银修饰磁性碳纳米管去除水中汞离子的方法及其再生方法. ZL201110429827.0.
6.一种改性碳纳米管材料、去除水中汞离子的方法及其再生方法. ZL201110429829.X.
7.一种去除水中汞离子的方法及其吸附剂的再生方法. ZL201110429826.6.
8.一种改性碳纳米管材料、用于吸附气态元素汞的方法及其再生方法. ZL201110429828.5.
9.一种去除水中有毒元素砷的吸附剂及其应用. ZL201210360306.9.
10.一种分析测定液态食品调料中砷形态的方法. ZL201310136614.8
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