2005.7- 华北电力大学教师。
1. 河北省自然科学基金面上项目,B2023502013,基于颗粒物臭氧协同控制的河北省民用能源调控研究,2023.01-2025.12,主持
2. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,8212034,颗粒物和臭氧协同控制的环首都民用燃烧源排放与调控研究,2021-01至2023-12,主持
3. 河北省自然科学基金面上项目,B2020502007,清洁供暖下源贡献驱动的细颗粒物和臭氧的预测与应用研究,2020-01至2022-12,主持
4. 总理基金项目,DQGG-05-13,大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目-长治市“一市一策”跟踪研究工作的分课题,2017/07-2019/09,主持。
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,21407048,典型工业区不同工业源排放颗粒物中多氯联苯异构体成分谱的建立和应用研究,2015/01-2017/12,主持
6. 横向课题,大型养殖场臭味VOCs的来源解析与治理技术研究,2022.09-2022.12,主持。
7. 横向课题,定兴县大气颗粒物来源解析,2021.03-2021.07,主持
8. 河北省重点实验室开放基金项目, HBMREEM202307,PM2.5和O3协控下民用燃烧源前体物排放研究,2023.09-2025.12,主持
9. 中央高校基本科研业务费面上项目3项,主持。
1. Li Zhiyong, Ren Zhuangzhuang, Liu Chen, et al. Heterogeneous variations in winter PM2.5 sources, compositions and exposure risks at urban/suburban rural/remote rural areas in the post COVID-19/Clean-Heating period. Atmos. Environ., 2024, 326,120463.
2. Li Zhiyong, Liu Jixiang, Zhai Zhen, et al. Heterogeneous changes of chemical compositions, sources and health risks of PM2.5 with the “Clean Heating” policy at urban/suburban/industrial sites. Sci. Total Environ. 2023, 854,158871.
3. Li Zhiyong, Liu Chen, Cao Chengjing, et al. Impacts of the “Coal to Gas” Policy on Rural Air VOC Level and Ozone Potentials in North China. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 2023, 23, 230136.
4. Li Zhiyong, Yue Ziyuan, Liu Jixiang, et al. Sources and Health Risks of PM2.5-bound PAHs in a Small City along with the “Clean Heating” Policy. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 2022, 22, 220162.
5. Li Zhiyong, Li Zhenxin, Yue Ziyuan, et al. Impact of Wheat Harvest on Levels and Sources of PM2.5-associated PAHs in an Urban Area Located at the Center of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 2021, 21, 200625.
6. Li Zhiyong, Guo Songtao, Li Zhenxin, et al. PM2.5 Associated Phenols, Phthalates, and Water Soluble Ions from Five Stationary Combustion Sources. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 2020, 20(1): 61-71.
7. Li Zhiyong, Wang Yutong, Hu Yao, et al. Emissions of NOx, PM, SO2, and VOCs from Coal-fired Boilers Related to Coal Washing, Iron-steel Production, and Lime and Gypsum Making in Shanxi, China, Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 2019, 19, 2056-2069.
8. Li Zhiyong, Fan Lin, Wang Lei, et al. PAH Profiles of Emitted Ashes from Indoor Biomass Burning across the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region and Implications on Source Identification. Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 2018, 18(3): 749-761.
9. Li Zhiyong, Ma Huiqiao, Fan Lin, et al. Size Distribution of Inorganic Elements in Bottom Ashes from Seven Types of Bio-Fuels across Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, China, Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 2017, 17, 2450-2462.
10. Li Zhiyong, Ji Yaqin, Ma Huiqiao, et al. Characterization of inorganic elements within PM2.5 and PM10 fractions of fly ashes from coal-fired power plants, Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 2017, 17, 1105-1116 .
E-Mail:lzy6566@126.com 电话: 0312-7525506