
2017-06-09        阅读次数:[]

      6月5日下午,英国哈德斯菲尔德大学(University of Huddersfield)教授许志杰应邀到我校交流座谈。计算机学院、网络空间安全学院相关领导、教师和研究生参加了交流活动。交流会由计算机学院院长何嘉教授主持。







Zhijie (Professor of Visual Computing) has received a BEng degree on communication engineering from the Xi’an University of Science and Technology in 1991. After graduation, he has worked for one of the major Chinese Electrical and Machinery Companies - HH Yellow River Ltd for four years as an electronics engineer. He then traveled to the UK and spent a year working in a robotics lab in Derby. In 1996, he registered and became a postgraduate student at the University of Derby. His research topic is Virtual Reality for manufacturing simulations. In 2000, he has completed his PhD study and immediately been offered a tenured academic post at the University of Huddersfield.

Zhijie’s research in the last twenty years has mainly been focused on the areas of visual computing, vision systems, data science and machine learning. He has published over one hundred peer-reviewed journal and conference papers as well as editing 5 books in the relevant fields. He has supervised 11 postgraduate (including 8 PhD) students to completion and been continuously winning substantial research and development grants in his career to date. He is a member of the IEEE, IET, BCS, BMVA and a fellow of HEA. In addition, he has been serving as an editor, reviewer and chair for many prestigious academic journals and conferences.


上一条:美国马里兰大学终生教授 William S. Levine应邀为我校师生作学术报告


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