国际交流与合作处为我校职能部门,严格按照国家相关制度要求,贯彻党和国家教育外事工作方针,归口管理涉外事务和非学历教育相关事务,是学校对外交流的窗口。根据学校的发展规划,组织和协调各单位与国(境)外高等院校及机构开展多层次的国际交流与合作事务,负责全校非学历教育的统筹协调、规范管理、风险防控、立项审批、宣传审核、数据统计、过程指导、质量监督、绩效管理和证书发放等工作。 近年来,学校秉承国际化教育发展理念,营造教育对外开放环境,并以学生发展为中心,积极拓展与海外高校建立校际合作,国际交流合作有效拓展。先后与英、法、德、西、美国、澳大利亚等国家和地区的30多所高校开展了不同层面的合作,现有近40个校际合作学生项目,含本硕博学位项目、交换生项目、访学项目及游学项目,同时积极引导学生申请国家公派出国留学。近三年来有300多名学生出国学习交流。 学校大力推进本科中外合作办学项目和机构的建设,“以本为本”地引进国外优质本科核心课程,开设全球胜任力课程,提高学生的国际化视野。 学校面向不同学科,通过组织全英文教学比赛储备具有国际视野和竞争力的师资,近年来共承办高层次国际学术会议20余场,接待国(境)外访问团组800余人次;获国家外专经费180多万元,执行引智项目30余项;聘请120人次外籍专家来校任教讲学,选派200人次教师赴国(境)外交流访学,接收10多个国家和地区的留学生200余人次。 学校高度注重国际化科研合作,先后与美国科罗拉多州立大学、德国锡根大学、美国范德比特大学、英国哈德斯菲尔德大学、英国国家未来计量联盟、塞尔维亚大学等联合建立了6个国际联合实验室,积极鼓励教师和学生与国外专家合作开展科研项目。 The International office of Chengdu University of Information Technology (CUIT) is an administrative department, which aims at carrying out multi-level international exchanges and cooperation with academies and institutions overseas, recruiting overseas students and teachers, and managing other foreign-related affairs. CUIT attaches great importance to International exchange and cooperation and has established cooperative relationships with more than 30 universities of different countries, including Britain, France, Germany, Spain, the United States, Australia, etc. There are nearly 40 international programmes for students at present, which include undergraduate/Master/Doctor programme, student exchange programme, short-term visiting programme and winter/summer camp. The International Office also actively guides students to apply for the studying-abroad programme sponsored by the Chinese government. In the past three years, more than 300 CUIT students studyed abroad. As to the teachers, the International Office holds an English Teaching contest annually to broaden the faculty’s international perceptive and boost their international competitiveness. In the past 5 years, CUIT hosted 20 high-level international academic conferences, welcomed over 800 overseas visiting groups, received 1.8 million in government funding for 30 projects on foreign experts recruitment. Over 120 foreign experts were employed to work at CUIT, 200 teachers went abroad as visiting scholars, and around 200 overseas students were recruited from 10 countries and regions. CUIT also values international scientific research and cooperation. Six international joint laboratories have been successively established. They are the International Joint Research Center for Robotic and Intelligence system with University Siegen, Germany; the International Laboratory for Atmospheric Observations with Colorado State University, the US; the International Joint Research Center for Image and Vision with Vanderbilt University, the US; the Joint Research laboratory for Machine Vision and Smart Computing with Huddersfield University, the EPSRC Future Metrology Hub with International Research Center for Intelligent Tolerance,the UK and “the Belt and Road” Joint Laboratory on Environment and Energy with University of University of Belgrade, Serbia. | |
学生交流 Student Exchange | |
教师交流 Teacher Exchange |