Representatives from Singapore Polytechnic Visit CUIT

2016-10-13        阅读次数:[]

11th Oct, 2016

Deputy General Manager of Singapore Polytechnic International Mr. Chia Hui Yong and Principal Consultant & Project Technical Manager Dr. Linda Lee visited CUIT and attended a meeting in the 6th Meeting Room in Administrative Building.Director of Academic Affairs OfficeChen Min, Director of Teachers Teaching Development and Evaluation Center Wu Sijiu, Section Chief of International Office Gai Qiuyan, Deputy Director of Academic Affairs Office of Chongqing University of Technology Zhang Hongmin and Professor Huang Qiang from Mechanical Engineering College of Chongqing University of Technology attended the meeting.


Chen Min extended a warm welcome to the guests and gave a brief introduction of CUIT about the CDIO implementation and the needs of teachers training. Wu Sijiu proposed the training needs in teaching methods improvement under CDIO standards. Dr. Linda Lee introduced CDIO training program in the matters of the teaching and learning framework, specific contents, and time arrangement. Dr. Linda listed successful cases in previous training program and hoped to provide an appropriate training program plan to CUIT through in-depth communication. Then Prof. Zhang Hongmin introduced the application of CDIO in Chongqing University of Technology and needs for teacher training.



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