Representatives from San Diego State University Visit CUIT

2017-03-21        阅读次数:[]

20 March, 2017

Mr.Brian Blake, Director of International Department from San Diego State University (SDSU) and Lina Fan, International Program Advisor visited CUIT. The guests attended a communication meeting in No. 6 Conference Room of the Administration Building to discuss the cooperation between SDSU and CUIT. The meeting was hosted by Huang Ping, Dean of Management College, Gai Qiuyan, Section Chief of International Office, and Chen Min, Associated Professor of Management College.

Huang Pingextended a warm welcome to the guests at the meeting and offered an introduction to the basic situation of Management College and the current international cooperation programs.Brian Blakepresented the general information of students exchange and teacher training programs of SDSU. He looked towards favorable exchange and collaboration from both sides through proactive discussion and welcomed CUIT staff as well as students to visit and study in SDSU. Participates also discussed in detail on Sino-foreign cooperative education, which laid a good foundation for future cooperation.

Brian Blake and Lina Fan then held an orientation meeting on students programs and answered questions raised by participants in classroom 201, No1.Teaching Building.



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