Hosted by the FUSION PROJECT of European Union and organized by CUIT, the grand Opening Ceremony of the 10th SKIMA International Conference (International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications–SKIMA) was held at 9 am on December 15 in the International Conference Hall. The Chairman of the SKIMA International Conference Organization Committee, Professor Zhou Jiliu, Professor Wang Dongyun, Professor Yu Hongnian, Professor Keshav Dahal and other experts and scholars of around 200 people from 14 countries attended the Opening Ceremony which was presided over by Professor He Jia, Dean of Computer Science College.
The 10thSKIMA International Conference lasted 3 days covering the keynote speech, industrial group meetings, funding agencies group meetings, communication links and special invitation meetings, etc. The meeting aims to invite the researchers and experts of knowledge management, software engineering, and information system gather together to share ideas and exchange experience and opinions. The conference contributed to exchange all kinds of innovative thoughts and creative ideas between researchers and practitioners who come from scientific research institutions, research and development enterprises and government organizations.