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郭芸(Yun Guo)
发布日期:2017-08-22 作者: 来源:
职称 副研究员

郭芸(Yun Guo)




Dr. Yun Guo (Gloria), Associate Professor, engaged in researches on fossil plants, stratigraphy and environment in the Late Paleozoic.

信箱(E-mail): gyun.guo@gmail.com

通信地址(Address): 云南大学古生物研究院(Institute of Palaeontology, Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan, China)

邮 编(Postcode): 650091

教育经历 Education

2007.09-2012.07: 北京大学,古植物学与地层学方向,理学博士(PhD)

2003.09-2007.07: 中国地质大学(北京),宝石与材料矿物学方向,学士(BSc)

科研项目 Grants(近5年)





发表论文 Publications(近5年)

1.Guo Yun, Wang Deming*, Studies on plant cuticles from the Lower-Middle Devonian of China, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2015.11.007. (SCI检索)

2.Wang Deming*, Liu Le, Guo Yun, Xue Jinzhuang, Meng Meicen, A Late Devonian fertile organ with seed plant affinities from China, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 10736. (SCI检索)

3.Wang Deming*, Meng Meicen, Xue Jinzhuang, Basinger J. Frederick, Guo Yun, Liu Le, Changxingia longifolia gen. et sp. nov., a new lycopsid from the Late Devonian of Zhejiang Province, South China, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2014, 203(1): 35-47. (SCI检索)

4.Wang Deming*, Liu Le, Meng Meicen, Xue Jinzhuang, Liu Tuo, Guo Yun, Cosmosperma polyloba gen. et sp. nov., a seed plant from the Upper Devonian of South China, Naturwissenschaften, 2014, 101(8): 615-622. (SCI检索)

5.Zhuo Feng*, Tao Su, Yang Jiyuan, Chen Yuxuan, Wei Haibo, Dai Jing, Guo Yun, Liu Jianrong, Ding Jiahui, Evidence for insect-mediated skeletonization on an extant fern family from the Upper Triassic of China, Geology, 2014, 42(5): 407-410. (SCI检索)

6.Liu Le, Wang Deming*, Xue Jinzhuang, Meng Meicen, Guo Yun, Reinvestigation of the lycopsid Minarodendron cathaysiense from the Middle Devonian of South China, Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 2013, 268(3): 325-339. (SCI检索)

研究方向与兴趣 Research Interests

1. 晚古生代植物研究 (Late Paleozoic Plants)

2. 植物起源与演化 (Evolution of Plants)

3. 古植物对古环境响应 (Fossil Plants as an Indicator of Paleoenvironment)