Xi-guang Zhang

Yunnan Key Laboratory for Paleobiology

Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan, CHINA 650091

telephone: +86 (871) 6503-2703

email: xgzhang@ynu.edu.cn; xiguang.zhang@hotmail.com



1998: PhD, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Major: Paleobiology.

1984: MSc, Northwest University, China. Major: Paleontology and Stratigraphy.

1982: BSc, Nanjing University, China. Major: Geology.


   01/2005Present: Distinguished Professor of Yunnan University.

02/200212/2004: Professor, Yunnan Key Laboratory for Palaeobiology, Yunnan University, China.

11/199712/2001: Research Associate, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Saskatchewan; Wellsite Geologist, NOMAD Geological Consultants, Canada.

01/199212/1997: PhD student (Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant) Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada.

03/198512/1991: Assistant Professor and Vice-chairman of Paleontology and Stratigraphy Division, Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, China.

03/198901/1990: Guest Scientist (Cooperation with E.N.K. Clarkson), Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Edinburgh, U.K.

Awards and Grants

20182022: NSFC Major Grant (41730318).

2015:  First-class Award of Natural Sciences, Yunnan Prov. (2015EA133-R-001).

20152018: NSFC-Yunnan Joint Grant (U1402232).

2008:  First-class Award of Natural Sciences, Yunnan Prov. (2008EA448-1-R01).

2007:  Annual Award of Top-ten Achievements in Science and Technology of Chinese Universities (Ministry of Education).

1995:  Geological Society of America Research Grant (5748-95).

1993: Albert Ernest Moss Scholarship (Dept. of Geol. Sci., Univ. of Saskatchewan).

1988:  Sino-British Fellowship Trust (The Royal Society in London).

Representative Publications (* indicates corresponding author)

1. Zhang, X-G., 1989, Ontogeny of an Early Cambrian eodiscoid trilobite from Henan, China: Lethaia, v. 22, p. 13–29.

2. Zhang, X-G., and Clarkson, E.N.K., 1990, The eyes of Lower Cambrian eodiscid trilobites: Palaeontology, v. 33, p. 911–932.

3. Zhang, X-G., and Pratt, B.R., 1993,. Early Cambrian ostracode larvae with a univalved carapace: Science, v. 262, p. 93–94.

4. Zhang, X-G., and Pratt, B.R., 1994, New and extraordinary Early Cambrian sponge spicule assemblage from China: Geology, v. 22, p. 43–46.

5. Zhang, X-G., and Pratt, B.R., 1994, Middle Cambrian arthropod embryos with blastomeres: Science, v. 266, p. 637–639.

6. Zhang, X-G., and Hou, X-G., 2004, Evidence for a single median fin-fold and tail in the Lower Cambrian vertebrate, Haikouichthys ercaicunensis: Journal of Evolutionary Biology, v. 17, p. 1162–1166.

7. Zhang, X-G., Siveter, D.J., Waloszek, D., and Maas, A., 2007, An epipodite-bearing crown-group crustacean from the Lower Cambrian: Nature, v. 449, p. 595598.

8. Zhang, X-G., 2007, Phosphatized bradoriids (Arthropoda) from the Cambrian of China: Palaeontographica Abt. A, v. 281, p. 93–173.

9. Zhang, X-G., and Pratt, B.R., 2008, Microborings in Early Cambrian phosphatic and phosphatized fossils: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 267, p. 185195.

10. Zhang, X-G., Maas, A., Haug, J.T., Siveter, D.J., and Waloszek, D., 2010, A eucrustacean metanauplius from the Lower Cambrian: Current Biology, v. 20, p. 1075–1079.

11. Zhang, X-G., and Clarkson, E.N.K., 2012, Phosphatized eodiscoid trilobites from the Cambrian of China: Palaeontographica Abt. A, v. 297, p. 1–121.

12. Zhang, X-G., and Pratt, B.R., 2012, The first stalk-eyed phosphatocopine crustacean from the Lower Cambrian of China: Current Biology, v. 22, p. 2149–2154.

13. Shen, C., Aldridge, R.J., Williams, M., Vandenbroucke, T.R.A., and *Zhang, X-G., 2013, The earliest chitinozoans discovered in the Cambrian Duyun fauna of China: Geology, v. 41, p. 191194.

14. Yang, J., Ortega-Hernández, J., Butterfield, N.J., and *Zhang, X-G., 2013, Specialized appendages in fuxianhuiids and the head organization of early euarthropods: Nature, v. 494, p. 468–471.

15. Yang, J., Smith, M.R., Lan, T., Hou, J.-B., and *Zhang, X-G., 2014, Articulated Wiwaxia from the Cambrian Stage 3 Xiaoshiba Lagerstätte: Scientific Reports, v. 4, p. 4643.

16. Shen, C., Clarkson, E.N.K., Yang, J., Lan, T., Hou, J.-B., and *Zhang, X-G., 2014, Development and trunk segmentation of early instars of a ptychopariid trilobite from Cambrian Stage 5 of China: Scientific Reports, v. 4, p. 6970.

17. Yang, J., *Ortega-Hernández, J., Butterfield, N.J., Hou, J.-B., Lan, T., and *Zhang, X-G., 2015, A superarmored lobopodian from the Cambrian of China and early disparity in the evolution of Onychophora: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, v. 112, p. 8678–8683.

18. Yang, J., Ortega-Hernández, J., Butterfield, N.J., Liu, Y., Boyan, G. S., Hou, J.-B., Lan, T., and *Zhang, X-G., 2016, The fuxianhuiid ventral nerve cord and early nervous system evolution in Panarthropoda: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, v. 113, p. 2988–2993.

19. Jiao, D.-G., Yang, J., and *Zhang, X-G., 2016, A superarmoured lobopodian from the Cambrian Stage 4 of southern China: Science Bulletin, v. 61, p. 1372–1376.

20. Yang, J., Ortega-Hernández, J., Legg, D.A., Lan, T., Hou, J.-B., and *Zhang, X-G., 2018, Early Cambrian fuxianhuiids from China reveal origin of the gnathobasic protopodite in euarthropods: Nature Communications (in preparation).

Research Interests

1. Cambrian trilobites and bradoriids, and their ontogeny, systematics, evolution and mode of life (largely based on the study of phosphatized material).

2. Basic body plan and evolution of major Cambrian arthropod groups: an integrated approach combining evidence from the Orsten-type and BST fossil Lagerstätten.

3. Orsten-type preservation, including affinity-unknown embryos, some primitive arthropods and a few other invertebrate clades which have been rarely preserved.

4. Field and specimen based approaches to taphonomy and ichnology of some exceptionally-preserved invertebrates.

Courses Taught

1Evolution of the Earth and Life Recorded by Fossils (Undergraduate course).

2Principles and New Theories of Paleontology  (Graduate course).

3Selected Problems of Paleontology     (Graduate course).

4Fossil Record and Organic Evolution    (Graduate course).

Students Advised

Guang-qing Wu (MSc 2005)

Hui Yu (MSc 2007)

De-guang Jiao (MSc 2008; PhD 2017)

Shun-lan Zhu (MSc 2009)

Mary K. Witucki, Lake Superior State University, Short-term (Feb–Jul, 2009)

Lei Chen (MSc 2010)

Si-yu Tao (MSc 2010)

Bao-qiao Hao (MSc 2011)

Cen Shen (PhD 2012)

Ning-chong Wang (MSc 2012)

Tian Lan (PhD 2015)

Ji-feng He (MSc 2017)

Ke-ren Li (MSc expected 2018)

Jin-bo Hou (PhD expected 2018)

Qing-hao Guo (MSc expected 2019)

Jia-lin Du (MSc expected 2019)

Xiao-yu Yang (MSc expected 2019)

Kun-sheng Du (MSc 2016; PhD expected 2019)

(Updated: 22 November 2017)

by: Maoyin Zhang
[update: 2018-01-17]