张喜光(Xi-guang Zhang)
Key Laboratory for Paleobiology, Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan, China
邮编 (Postcode):650091
电话 (Tel): 0871-5032703
电子邮件 (Email): xgzhang@ynu.edu.cn
1997.10-2001.12:加拿大Saskatchewan大学,地质科学系,博士后研究员;NOMAD地质咨询公司,油田地质师(Wellsite Geologist)。
奖励、奖学金及研究资助(Honors, Fellowships and Grants):
2010-12: 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(40972012,主持人)
2009-11: 云南省自然科学基金重点项目(2008CC005,主持人)
2008: 云南省自然科学一等奖(第一完成人)
2007: 教育事业奖,云南省人民政府特殊津贴(95307055)
2007: 教育部2007年中国高等学校十大科技进展奖
2007-09: 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(40672003,主持人)
2006-10: 科技部973 项目(2006CB806400,参加人)
2004-06: 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(40372017,主持人)
2003-05: 科技部973 项目(G2000077702,参加人)
2003-04: 教育部科学技术研究重点项目(03121,主持人)
2003-06: 云南省自然科学基金资助项目(2003D0010M,主持人)
1995: 美国地质学会(研究生)研究资助(GSA Research Grant,5748-95)
1994-97: 加拿大Saskatchewan 大学博士研究生奖学金
1993: 加拿大Saskatchewan 大学地质科学系Albert Ernest Moss 奖
1990-92: 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(49070073,主持人)
1988: 英国皇家学会中英研究基金(Sino-British Fellowship Trust)
论文专著(Representative Publications):
Zhang, X.-G. 1989. Ontogeny of an Early Cambrian eodiscoid trilobite from Henan, China. Lethaia 22, 13-29.[PDF]
Zhang, X.-G. & Clarkson, E.N.K. 1993. Ontogeny of the eodiscid trilobite Shizhudiscus longquanensis from the Lower Cambrian of China. Palaeontology 36, 785-806.[PDF]
Zhang, X.-G. & Pratt, B.R. 1993. Early Cambrian ostracode larvae with a univalved carapace. Science 262, 93-94.[PDF]
Zhang, X.-G. & Pratt, B.R. 1994. New and extraordinary Early Cambrian sponge spicule assemblage from China.Geology 22, 43-46.[PDF]
Zhang, X.-G. & Pratt, B.R. 1994. Middle Cambrian arthropod embryos with blastomeres. Science 266, 637-639.[PDF]
Zhang, X.-G., Hou, X.-G. & Emig, C.C. 2003. Evidence of lophophore diversity in Early Cambrian Brachiopoda.Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (suppl.) 270, S65-S68.[PDF]
Zhang, X.-G. & Hou, X.-G. 2004. Evidence for a single median fin-fold and tail in the Lower Cambrian vertebrate, Haikouichthys ercaicunensis. J. Evol. Biol. 17, 1162-1166. [PDF]
Zhang, X.-G. & Aldridge, R.J. 2007. Development and diversification of trunk plates of the Lower Cambrian lobopodians. Palaeontology 50, 401-415.[PDF]
Zhang, X.-G., Siveter, D.J., Waloszek, D. & Maas, A. 2007. An epipodite-bearing crown-group crustacean from the Lower Cambrian. Nature 449, 595-598.[PDF]
Zhang, X.-G. 2007. Phosphatized bradoriids (Arthropoda) from the Cambrian of China. Palaeontographica Abt A , 281, 93-173.(专著)
Zhang, X.-G. & Pratt, B.R. 2008. Microborings in Early Cambrian phosphatic and phosphatized fossils.Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol. 267, 185-195.[PDF]
Zhang, X.-G. & Clarkson, E.N.K. 2009. Trunk segmentation of Cambrian eodiscoid trilobites. Evol. Dev . 11: 312-317.[PDF]
Zhang, X.-G., Maas, A., Haug, J.T., Siveter, D.J. & Waloszek, D. 2010. A eucrustacean metanauplius from the Lower Cambrian. Current Biology 20,1075-1079.[PDF]
研究方向(Research Interests):
1. 寒武纪的三叶虫和高肌虫,以及它们的个体发育、系统分类、演化和生活模式,主要依赖于对磷酸盐化石材料的研究(Cambrian trilobites and bradoriids, and their ontogeny, systematics, evolution and mode of life - work largely based on the study of phosphatized material)
2. 利用来Orsten型和自澄江特异保存化石综合研究得到证据,探讨寒武纪主要节肢动物类群的基本体制和早期演化(Basic body plan and evolution of major Cambrian arthropod groups: an integrated approach combining evidence from the Orsten-type and Chengjiang fossil-Lagerstatten)
3. Orsten型保存化石,包括亲缘关系不明的胚胎化石,一些原始的节肢动物和少许偶见保存的其它无脊椎动物类群(Orsten-type preservation, including affinity unknown embryos, some primitive arthropods and a few other invertebrate clades which have been rarely preserved)
4. 基于野外调查和标本探索若干偶然得以特异保存的无脊椎动物化石的埋藏学和遗迹学(Field and specimen based approaches to taphonomy and ichnology of some exceptionally preserved invertebrates)
讲授课程(Courses Taught):
1.化石:揭示地球和生命演化的实证 [Fossils: Evidence for Evolution of the Earth and Life (Undergraduate students)]
2.古生物学原理和新理论 [Principles and New Theories of Paleontology (Graduate students)]
3.化石埋藏学 [Taphonomy (Graduate students)]
4.古生物学中若干问题选讲 [Selected Problems of Paleontology (Graduate students)]
5.化石与生命进化 [Fossils and Organic Evolution (Graduate students)]
指导学生(Students Advised):
吴广庆,硕士[Guang-qing WU (MSc 2005)]
于 慧,硕士[Hui YU (MSc 2007)]
焦德光,硕士[De-guang JIAO (MSc 2008)]
朱舜兰,硕士[Shun-lan ZHU (MSc 2009)]
Mary K.WITUCK, [美国 Lake Superior State University, short-time (Feb-Jul,2009)]
陈 雷,硕士[Lei CHEN (MSc 2010)]
陶思宇,硕士[Si-yu TAO (MSc 2010)]
郝宝鞘,硕士[Bao-qiao HAO (MSc expected 2011)]
申 岑,博士[Cen SHEN (PhD expected 2012)]
王宁冲,硕士[Ning-chong WANG (MSc expected 2012)]
兰 天,硕士[Tian LAN(MSc expected 2013)]
1. 吴广庆幸福的一家:山东聊城(2009)
2. 于慧,焦德光:四川雷波抓抓岩(2007)
3. 朱舜兰:四川金阳金沙江畔(2007)
4. Mary, 陈雷,郝宝鞘:云南永善肖滩剖面(2009.05)
5. 陶思宇:贵州都匀巴榔山寨(2008.05)
6. 申岑:与会南京中山陵(2009.10)
7. 王宁冲:隔金沙江巴望肖滩渡船(2009.10)
8. 兰天: 咆哮奔流于四川金阳、云南永善黄金坪群山间的金沙江(2010.05)
9. Xiguang and his research assistants (2006)
10. Xiguang and his Canadian classmates in the Rocky Mountains, Canada (June, 1992)
远足 (Hike)
峨嵋派武术(Chinese martial arts)
最后更新:2010年6月22日(Last Updated: Jun 22, 2010)