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School of Resource Environment and Earth Science



Secretary:  Guanghui Cai
Scope of official duty: Overall take charge of Party  building, office of Party Committee, organization, the united front  work, disciplinary inspection, supervisory control, auditing, the  retiring, the labor union, Committee of Concerning about the Younger  Generation and external affairs, etc.
Tel: 0871-65033029
Personal homepage:/system/go.jsp?treeid=1039&apptype=content&urltype=news.NewsContentUrl&param=wbnewsid%3D1376

Dean:  Shucheng Tan (holding the concurrent post of the director of the  Yunnan Institute for Geographical Researches)

Scope of official duty:  Overall take charge of administrative work like the administrative  office, personnel management, finance, the disciplinary  establishment and development, and international communication and  cooperation, etc.

Tel:  0871-65033734
Personal homepage:   /ynu/mu_srees/mu_www/teacher/tsczl/

Deputy Secretary:  Jisheng Xia
Scope of official duty: Take charge of the education  and management of students, Youth League and Students’ Council,  organizational development, propagandizing, political guarantee,  etc.

Tel: 0871-65931531
Personal homepage:   /ynu/mu_srees/mu_www/teacher/xjszl/

Vice Dean: Yibo Wen
Scope of official duty: Take charge of the education of  postgraduates(including postgraduate education assessment and degree  program construction), scientific researches, Laboratories, fixed  assets, Infrastructure and academic communication and cooperation,  etc.

Tel: 0871-65033736
Personal homepage: /system/go.jsp?treeid=1039&apptype=content&urltype=news.NewsContentUrl&param=wbnewsid%3D1373

Vice Dean: Xiaoxia Huang
Scope of official duty: Take charge of education of  undergraduates, experimental teaching center and security work, etc.

Tel: 0871-65033571
 Personal homepage:   /ynu/mu_srees/mu_www/teacher/hxxzl/


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Copyright 2009 School of Resource Environment and Earth Science, Yunnan University  Add:Chenggong campus of Yunnan University, school of Resource Environment and Earth Science
