Xiaohong Cheng
Ph.D., Professor, Doctor Advisor
Office address:Chemistry Building 415
Brief Introduction:
Professor, Yunnan University (2005- )
Guest Professor of Germany National Nanocentral (2003.09)
Guest Professor of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (2009-2010)
Visiting Scientist of Mainz University (1997-1998)
Postdoc Fellow/Research Scientist, Karlsruhe University (2001-2003)
Ph.D., Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (1998-2001)
M.S., Yunnan University (1989-1992)
B.S., Yunnan University(1985-1989)
Research Interests:
Supramolecular chemistry, molecular self-assembly, liquid crystal, functional materials
(1) Design andsynthesis of functional nonconventional Liquid crystals
(2) The complex self-assembly structure of the block molecules
(3) Applications based on functional nonconventional Liquid crystals
Representative Publications:
1.Huiru Chen, Ruilin Zhang, Hongfei Gao, Huifang Cheng, Haipeng Fang,Xiaohong Cheng,*Synthesis, self-assembly, metal binding properties of triazole azobenzene based polycatenar dyes through click chemistry,Dyes and Pigments, 2018, 149, 512-520.
2.Haipeng Fang, Hongfei Gao, Tingyan Wang, Bei Zhang, Wei Xing,Xiaohong Cheng,*Benzothiadiazole-based D-π-A-π-Dfluorophores: Synthesis, self-assembly, thermal and photophysical characterization,Dyes and Pigments, 2017, 147, 190-198.
3.Yulong Xiao, Hongfei Gao, Tingyan Wang, Ruilin Zhang,Xiaohong Cheng,*Synthesis, liquid-crystalline, photophysical and chemosensor propertiesof oxadiazole/thiadiazole-based amphiphiles with glycerol groups,J. Mol. Liq., 2017, 244, 360-367.
4.Huifang Cheng,Ruilin Zhang,Taihao Li,Xiongwei Peng,Meng Xia,Yulong XiaoandXiaohong Cheng,*Synthesis and self-assembly of bent core polycatenar mesogens with binding selectivity to Hg2+,New J. Chem., 2017, 41, 8443-8450.
5.Xiongwei Peng, Hongfei Gao, Yulong Xiao, Huifang Cheng, Fanran Huang andXiaohong Cheng,*Synthesis and self-assembly of photoresponsive and luminescent polycatenar liquid crystals incorporating an azobenzene unit interconnecting two 1,3,4-thiadiazoles.New. J. Chem., 2017, 41(5): 2004-2012.
6. Yanming Ren, Ruilin Zhang, Chao Yan, Tingyan Wang, Huifang Cheng,Xiaohong Cheng,*Self-assembly, AIEE and mechanochromic properties of amphiphilic a-cyanostilbene derivatives,Tetrahedron, 2017, 73, 5253-5259.
Before 2017:
7. Xiaohong Cheng,* Feng Liu, Xiangbing Zeng, Goran Ungar,* Jens Kain, Siegmar Diele, Marko Prehm, and Carsten Tschierske*.Influence of flexible spacers on liquid-crystalline self-Assembly of T-shaped bolaamphiphiles;J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133(20), 7872-7881;
8. Xiaohong Cheng, Malay Kumar Das, Ute Baumeister, Siegmar Diele, Carsten Tschierske*.Liquid crystalline bolaamphiphiles with semiperfluorinated lateral chains: competition between layerlike and honeycomb-Like organization;J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126, 12930-12940;
9. Xiaohong Cheng, Marko Prehm, Malay Kumar Das, Jens Kain, Ute Baumeister, Siegmar Diele, Dag Leine, Alfred Blume, Carsten Tschierske*.Calamitic bolaamphiphiles with (semi)perfluorinated lateral chains: polyphilic block molecules with new liquid crystalline phase structures;J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 10977-10996;
10. Marko Prehm,Xiaohong Cheng, Siegmar Diele, Malay Kumar Das, Carsten Tschierske*.New liquid crystalline phase with layerlike organization;J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2002, 124, 12072-12073;
11. Marius Kölbel, Tom Beyersdorff,Xiaohong Cheng, Carsten Tschierske*, Jens Kain, Siegmar Diele.Design of liquid crystalline block molecules with nonconventional mesophase morphologies: Calamitic bolaamphiphiles with lateral alkyl chains;J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2001, 123(28), 6809-6818;
12. Gebo Pan,Xiaohong Cheng, Sigurd Höger*, Werner Freyland*.2D-supramolecular structures of a shape-persistent macrocycle and codeposition with fullerene on HOPG,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 4218-4219;
13. Xiaohong Cheng*, Xing Dong, Guanghui Wei, Marko Prehm, Carsten Tschierske*.Liquid-crystalline triangle honeycomb formed by a dithiophene based X-shaped bolaamphiphile;Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2009, 48, 8014-8017;
14. Xiaohong Cheng, Malay Kumar Das, Siegmar Diele, Carsten Tschierske*.Novel liquid crystalline phase with layer structure,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2002, 41, 4031-4035;
15. Xiaohong Cheng, Siegmar Diele, Carsten Tschierske*.Molecular design of liquid crystalline block-moleculers: semifluorinated pentaerythritol tetrabenzoates exhibiting lamellar, columnar, and cubic mesophases,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2000, 39, 592-595;
16. Sigurd Höger*,Xiaohong Cheng, Anne-Désirée Ramminger, Volker Enkelmann, Almut Rapp, Mihail Mondeshki, Ingo Schnell.Discotic liquid crystals with an inverted structure;Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 2801-2805;
17. Xiaohong Cheng*, Hongfei Gao, Xiaoping Tan, Xueyan Yang, Marko Prehm, Helgard Ebert, Carsten Tschierske*.Transition between triangular and square tiling patterns in liquid crystalline honeycombs based on tetrathiophene-based bolaamphiphiles;Chem. Sci., 2013, 4, 3317-3331;
18. Xiaohong Cheng*, Xing Dong, Rong Huang, Xiangbing Zeng, Goran Ungar*, Marko Prehm, Carsten Tschierske*.Polygonal cylinder phases of 3-alkyl-2,5-diphenylthiophene-based bolaamphiphiles: changing symmetry by retaining net topology;Chem. Mater., 2008, 20, 4729-4738;
19. Heng Dai, Xueyan Yang, Xiaoping Tan, Fawu Su,Xiaohong Cheng*, Feng Liu*, Carsten Tschierske*.Liquid crystalline 2-thienyl-4,6-diamino-1,3,5-triazines exhibitingIm3mandPm3nmicellar cubic phases in an inverted sequence;Chem. Comm., 2013, 49(90), 10617-10619;
20. Wei Bu, Hongfei Gao, Xiaoping Tan, Xing Dong,Xiaohong Cheng*, Marko Prehm, Carsten Tschierske*.A bolaamphiphilic sexithiophene with liquid crystalline triangular honeycomb phase,Chem. Comm., 2013, 49, 1756-1758;
21. Xiaoping Tan, Leiyang Kong, Heng Dai,Xiaohong Cheng*, Feng Liu*, Carsten Tschierske*.Triblock polyphiles via click-chemistry: Self-assembled thermotropic cubic phases formed by micellar and monolayer vesicular aggregates;Chem. Eur. J., 2013, 19, 16303-16313.
22.Xiaohong Cheng,Hongfei Gao, HydrogenBonding for Supramolecular LiquidCrystals,Charper 5,Hydrogen Bonded Supramolecular Materials,ZT Li, LZ Wu(eds) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015.
Foundation and Projects:
1. NSFC (21664015), 2017.1-2020.12, responsible
2. NSFC (21364017), 2014.1-2017.12, responsible
3. NSFC (21274119), 2013.1-2016.12, responsible
4.Science and Technology Project of Yunnan Province (2013FA007), 2013.1-2016.12, responsible
5. YEDF (ZD2015001), 2015.7-2017.7, responsible
Member of Chinese Chemical Society, China, 2015-