2018年12月-至今 厦门理工学院应用数学学院
2005年7月-2018年12月 集美大学理学院数学系
2000年7月-2002年8月 河南农业大学基础科学部
1. 2019.01-2021.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“棱柱位错环自攀移的数值模拟和相场模型”,项目负责人,编号:11801214,
2. 2013.1-2015.12,,国家自然科学基金“无色散和非交换系统的可积耦合推广及其求解”,排名第三,编号:11201178。
3. 2009.6-2011.1,福建省自然科学基金“无色散可积系统的多分量推广、求解及其应用研究”,排名第二,[2009]27。
4. 2006.10-2009.8,福建省自然科学基金“流体力学中对流项占优问题的有限体积法”排名第四,[2006]60。
1. X.H. Niu, Y.j. Gu, Y. Xiang, Dislocation dynamics formulation for self-climb of dislocation loops by vacancy pipe diffusion, International Journal of Plasticity, Volume 120, September 2019, Pages 262-277.(SCI,JCR一区,Top Journal)
2. X.H. Niu, T. Luo, J.F. Lu, and Y. Xiang, Dislocation climb models from atomistic scheme to dislocation dynamics,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solid, 99, 242-258, February 2017. (SCI,JCR二区,Top Journal)
3. X.H. Niu, Y.C. Zhu, S.Y. Dai, and Y. Xiang, A continuum model for distributions of dislocations incorporating short-range interactions. Communications in Mathematical Science, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 491-522. (SCI,JCR二区)
4. Y.C. Zhu, X.H. Niu, and Y. Xiang, Continuum dynamics of the formation, migration and dissociation of self-locked dislocation structures on parallel slip planes, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solid, 96, 369-387, November 2016.(SCI,JCR二区,Top Journal)
5. X.H. Niu, Transformations from the unperturbed equation to the perturbed equation with nth order perturbation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 13, Issue 7, September 2008, Pages 1241-1245.(SCI,JCR一区,Top Journal)
6. X.H. Niu, Z.L. Pan, New Approximate Solutions of the Perturbed KdV Equation, Physics Letters A, 349(2006) 192-197, (2006.1).(SCI,JCR三区)
7. X.H. Niu, L.D. Huang and Z.L. Pan, The determining equations for the nonclassical method of the nonlinear differential equation(s) with arbitrary order can be obtained through the compatibility, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 320, Issue 2, 15 August 2006, Pages 499-509.(SCI,JCR三区)
8. X.H. Niu, Z.L. Pan, A new method to solve the perturbed nonlinear evolution equation, Applied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities(B) 2006, 21(1):45-51.(SCI,JCR三区)
9. X.H. Niu, Z.L. Pan, Nonclassical symmetries of a class of nonlinear partial differential equations with arbitrary order and compatibility, Volume 311, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Issue 2, 15 November 2005, Pages 479-488. (SCI,JCR三区)