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HM lauds Institut Tahfiz education
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Friday, December 6, 2013

ALL events related to Al-Quran must be treated with the utmost importance as the noble book contains the words of Allah SWT, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam said yesterday.

“This is why this Haflut Takharruj (graduation ceremony) and the awarding of special degrees to the hafiz (a person who has memorised all 30 juzuk of Al-Quran) are very important,” His Majesty said in his titah at the Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Hj Hassanal Bolkiah inaugural graduation ceremony.

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[Related story: 30 hafizs receive special degree]

[Related video: HM at first ' Haflut Takharruj' of Tahfiz Institute]

The ceremony held in the Banquet Hall of the Prime Minister’s Office saw 30 graduates receive their Special Degrees in Memorising Al-Quran and another 12 their diplomas for completing their “Aliyah Qira’at”, a three-year course at the institute.

“I am made to understand that out of 12 diploma holders, six of them can be called a Hafiz as they have memorised the 30 juzuk of Al-Quran, but have yet to undergo the Tasmie’ examination organised by (the) Tasmie’ Board of (the) Brunei Islamic Religious Council,” the monarch said.

His Majesty pointed out that memorising the juzuk of Al-Quran required both spiritual and intellectual excellence.

His Majesty said that “...this religion (Islam) is a balance between both duniawi (worldly demands) andukhrawi (spiritual demands). As a Muslim we must know how to balance these demands”.

His Majesty added that he was delighted that the institute did not focus solely on encouraging students to memorise Al-Quran but also formal subjects such as science, medical and engineering, among other things.

“This is the starting point for Institut Tahfiz Al Quran Sultan Hj Hassanal Bolkiah, insyaAllah, to begin producing future doctors or engineers or scientists who have also memorised Al-Quran,” he said.

In congratulating the graduates and the hafiz, His Majesty uttered a doa (supplication) for their continued success.

The Brunei Times

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