NUS Press Pte Ltd
NUS Press Pte Ltd is the publishing house of the National University of Singapore (NUS). Organized as a private limited company, it is 100% owned by the University, and operates on a not-for-profit basis. The mission of the Press is to enable the dissemination and creation of knowledge through the publishing of scholarly and academic books; and to empower learning, innovation and enterprise for the Singapore- and Asia-focused global community, as a publisher of authoritative works for the trade and professional markets.
The following NUS Press Pte Ltd journals are included in Project MUSE:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
The Institute of Southeast Asian Studies is a regional research centre dedicated to the study of socio-political, security and economic trends and developments in Southeast Asia and its wider geostrategic and economic environment. The aim of the Institute is to nurture a community of scholars interested in the region and to engage in research on the multi-faceted dimensions and issues of stability and security, economic development, and political, social and cultural change. The intention is not only to stimulate research and debate within scholarly circles , but also to enhance public awareness of the region and facilitate the search for viable solutions to the varied problems confronting the region. In a world increasingly dominated by the forces of globalization and regionalization, networking has become an imperative. The Institute is strategically placed to assist international, regional and local scholars and other researchers in this networking process by serving as a centre that provides a congenial and stimulating intellectual environment, encouraging the fullest interaction and exchange of ideas in an unfettered ambience. ISEAS is dedicated to long-term reflective analysis and investigations in the best traditions of scholarship. The Institute also seeks to stimulate thinking on and exploring solutions to some of the major salient issues in the region. To achieve these aims, the Institute conducts a range of research programmes; holds conferences, workshops, lectures and seminars; publishes research journals and books; and generally provides a range of research support facilities, including a large library collection.
The following Institute of Southeast Asian Studies journals are included in Project MUSE: