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Southeast Asian Affairs 2008.3
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        Southeast Asian Affairs


A Quarterly Journal


                                No.3, September 2008





Comparison of European-American and East Parties’ Roles in Democratization

Li Lu-qu(1)

Security of the South China Sea: Cooperation on Combating Piracy and Anti-terrorism

  Li Jin-ming(9)

On the Dilemma and Its Causes of ASEAN’s Hedge Diplomacy to China and the US

Tang Xiao-song, Liu Jiang-yun(16)

Studies on India-ASEAN Military and Security Cooperation

Wu Chong-bo(24)

Thailand’s Perspective of Current Sino-Japanese Relations

Zhang Xi-zheng, Zhang Mei-jun(Thailand)(32)

Development and Liberalization of Service Trade between Korea and ASEAN

Zou Chun-meng(39)

Singapore’s Legislative Efforts to Tap Marginalized Labor Sources

                                                Xie Qing-xia(45)

Batavia’s Roles in Dutch East India Company’s Trade with China, 1757-1794

                       Liu Yong(55)

Overseas Chinese and the Revenue Farming of Bangkok Dynasty in Siam

                               Shen Yan-qing(68)

Re-exploration of the Origin of the Mon-Khmer Speaking Groups

 He Ping (76)

Promulgation Manner and Influence of the Middle East’s Islamic Thoughts in Southeast Asia (the early 19th Century-the First Half of the 20th Century)

Fan Ruo-lan(83)

Sino-North Vietnamese Relations during the Later Period of the Vietnam War (1968-1972)

                                                        Pan Yi-ning(91)



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