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International Conference “China-ASEAN Cooperation in 21st Century: Challenge and Prospect”
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International Conference

“China-ASEAN Cooperation in 21st Century: Challenge and Prospect”






                                  Jointly by

Center for Southeast Asia Studies, Xiamen University

Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya , Malaysia







            12-13, Dec, 2011

Venue: Song En Building 220, Xiamen University




Monday, 12 Dec, 2011Day one

8:30-9: 00a .m.   Registration

Opening Ceremony  Song En Building 220

Chair: Prof. Zhuang Guotu

Dean, School for Southeast Asia Studies, Xiamen University

9:00-9:15  Welcome Remarks

Vice-President Professor Li Jianfa, Xiamen University

9:15-9:30  Speech by distinguished guests:


Dr. Peter Hefele

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Shanghai / Director of Shanghai Office Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.


Dr. YEOH Kok Kheng

Associate Prof, Director, Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya , Malaysia

__________________________________________________ __________________________

Photo Taking: 9:30:-9:50


Tea Break: 9:50-10:00



10:00-11.10 Session 1: ASEAN’s multilateral Diplomacy and China-ASEAN relations


Venue: Song En Building 220

Chairperson:李渡 教授 同济大学政治与国际关系学院

             Li Du, Professor, School of Political Science& International Relations, Tongji University  



India’s Look-East Policy and It’s Implication to China

马加力 研究员  中国现代国际关系研究院

Ma Jiali, researcher, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations


Regional Order and rising China : Response to China ’s rising from East Asian countries

肖斌 助理研究员 中国社会科学院俄罗斯东欧中亚所

Xiao Bing, research assistant, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


Comparison on Sino-Vietnam and India-Vietnam Economic and Trade Cooperation in post Cold War Era

衣远  助理教授  厦门大学南洋研究院

Yi Yuan, assistant professor, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University


American Factor in China-ASEAN Relations

刘阿明 副研究员上海社会科学院亚洲太平洋研究所东南亚研究室

Liu Aming, associate researcher, institute of Asia Pacific Studies , Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences


11:20-12:30 Session 2 ASEAN’s multilateral Diplomacy and China-ASEAN relations

东盟的多边外交与中国-东盟关系 2

Venue: Song En Building 220

Chairperson张明亮 副教授  暨南大学东南亚研究所

             Zhang Mingliang, associate professor, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies , Jinan University



Myanmar-Japan Economic and Trade Relations

金向东 助理教授 厦门大学南洋研究院

Jing Xiangdong, assistant professor, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University


China ’s great strategy on geopolitics in South China Sea

李渡  教授  同济大学政治与国际关系学院

Li Du, Professor, School of Political Science& International Relations, Tongji University


Mutual political trust between China and ASEAN: Status quo, Problems and Pattern Choices

陈遥 讲师厦门大学历史系

Chen Yao , Lecturer, Department of History, Xiamen University



12:40-14:00   Lunch   Yifu center

14:30-16:00 Session 3China-ASEAN RelationsConflict and Cooperation on Security:中国与东盟关系:安全冲突与合作

Venue: Song En Building 220

Chairperson:马加力 研究员 中国现代国际关系研究院

Ma Jiali, researcher, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations


Economic Integration, Territorial Dispute and Confidence Building : Challenges and Prospects of China-ASEAN Cooperation

Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh, Associate Prof, director, Institute of China Studies , University of Malaya , Malaysia

Susie Yieng-Ping Ling, Project Researcher, Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya , Malaysia

The Path to Securitization: China Responses to Maritime Piracy and Anti-piracy Cooperation (1990s-2011)

Xu ke, Associate Prof, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, Xiamen University

Chinese Perception on US-CHINA-ASEAN Relations

Zhang Biwu, Associate Prof, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, Xiamen University

AU-ASEAN: Cooperation in the 21st Century

Babette Zoumara, PHD candidate, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, Xiamen University


16:00-16:10 Tea break


16:10-17:50 Session 4: China ’s Development and Impact on ASEAN

Venue: Song en Building 220


Chairperson: Yeoh Kok Kheng, Associate Prof, director, Institute of China Studies , University of Malaya , Malaysia


The Study of Chinese Economic Reform and Its implication on Internationalization of Renminbi

Im Soo-Yoo, Prof, Ewha Womans University , South Korea

Saumya Ranjan Swain, Research Fellow, Daelim Industrial Co. Ltd, Seoul , South Korea

Inter-Provincial Efficiency in China

Chan Sok Gee, senior Lecture, Institute of China Studies , University of Malaya , Malaysia

A study of interregional tourism demand: the basis for cooperation

Phang Looi Fai, Senior lecturer, Sunway University , Malaysia

Decentralisation, Transformation and the Drive to Sustain Local Government – China and Selected ASEAN Countries

Phang Siew Nooi, Prof, Sunway University , Malaysia

Meeting Housing Needs of First-Time Homebuyers in Chinese Cities

Tan Teck Hong, Associate Prof, Sunway University , Malaysia

Development of offshore outsourcing industry and its influences on training and development- Exploring China and Malaysia ’s experience

Chong Soon Meng, senior lecturer, Sunway University , Malaysia


18:00-20:00  Welcome Dinner   Yifu Center


Tuesday 13 Dec, 2011 (Day Two)

8:30-10:10 Session 5: China and ASEAN: multi-level cooperation and institutional construction 1

中国与东盟:多层次/多维度合作及其机制构建 (1)

Venue: Song en Building 220


Chairperson: 吴崇伯 教授 厦门大学南洋研究院

Wu Chongbo, Professor, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University



Two decades of China - ASEAN economic relations: Retrospect and Prospect

王勤 教授 厦门大学南洋研究院

Wang Qin, Professor, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University


Construction of CAFTA and China-ASEAN Relations: an strategic evaluation

王玉主 主任 研究员 中国社会科学院亚洲太平洋研究所

Wang Yuzhu, Fellow, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

任苑荣 研究生 中国社会科学院亚洲太平洋研究所

Ren Yuanrong, Post graduate student, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


Investment and Impact of Chinese Enterprises in Laos : Opportunity and Challenges since 21 Century

方芸  研究员  云南省社会科学院东南亚所

Fang Yun, fellow, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences 


Sino-Laos Economic and Trade Relations: Situation, Problems and Prospect

郑一省 教授 广西民族大学民族学与社会学学院

Zheng Yixing, professor, Guangxi University for Nationalities


Analysis on the degree of liberalization of China-ASEAN service trade

邹春萌 副教授 云南大学国际关系学院

Zhou Chunmeng, Associate Professor, School of International Studies, Yunnan University


10:10-10:30 Tea Break


10:30-12:20 Session 6: China and ASEAN: multi-level cooperation and institutional construction 2

中国与东盟:多层次/多维度合作及其机制构建 (2)

Venue: Song en Building 220


Chairperson: 王勤 教授 厦门大学南洋研究院

             Wang Qin, Professor, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University



A Research on Industrial Cooperation Current Situation and Countermeasures between H enan and the ASEAN

庞卫东  讲师  河南金融专科学院

Pang Weidong, Lecturer, Henan Finance University


Different Voices under China ASEAN Free Trade Area: An Exploration

沈红芳 教授 厦门大学南洋研究院

Shen Hongfang, Professor, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University


Anticipation and the status quo of energy security, Power states’ diplomacy of energy

张晓慧 北京大学国际关系学院博士后

Zhang Xiahui, post doctorate, School of International Studies , Peking University


China-ASEAN Cooperation Mechanism: Review of the Current Institutional Architecture

and Prospect of Future Institutional Building

梁川  研究员 云南省社会科学院东南亚所

Liang Chuan, fellow, Institute of Southeast Asia Studies , Yunnan Academy of Social Science


Local Legislation on promoting Investment between China and ASEAN: a Case of Bridgehead Construction in Yunnan Province

周珏  讲师  云南财经大学法学院

Zhou Jue, Lecturer, Law School , Yunnan University of Finance and Economics


Construction Direction of CAFTA: Necessary and Possibility of the construction of China- ASEAN common market

赵姝岚  助理研究员 云南省社会科学院东南亚研究所

Zhao Shulan, research assistantInstitute of Southeast Asia Studies, Yunnan Academy of Social Science



12:30-14:00   Lunch Yifu Center


14:00-15:30 Session 7: China-ASEAN relations: Historical social and cultural factors 1

                    中国-东盟关系:历史、社会与文化因素 (1)

Venue: Song En Building 220

Chairperson: 梁川  研究员 云南省社会科学院东南亚所

Liang Chuan, fellow, Institute of Southeast Asia Studies , Yunnan Academy of Social Science




The Role of Overseas Chinese 0n “market economy” in North Korea ”: Opportunity and Risk

李丹 教授 韩国釜庆大学国际关系学部

Li Dan, Professor, Pukyong National University , South Korea


South Korea ’s policy on overseas Chinese and Settle-down of overseas Chinese

吕炳昌 研究员 韩国全南大学世界韩商文化研究团

Lv Bingchang, fellow, Chonnam National University , South Korea


Marginal People of Culture: The Culture Identity and Confusion of Overseas Chinese—As seen from Overseas Chinese of Singapore & Malaysia

严春宝 副教授  海南师范大学南海区域文化研究中心

Yan Chunbao, Associate Professor, Hainan Normal University


Legality of China-ASEAN Relations: Present Situation

赵海立  副教授  厦门大学南洋研究院

Zhao Haili, Associate Professor, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University


Construction of Contemporary History of Malaysia-China Relations

林德顺 研究员 马来亚大学中国研究所

Ling Tek Soon, fellow, Institute of China Studies , University of Malaya , Malaysia


李勇 副教授 华侨华人研究院 华侨大学

Li Yong, Associate Professor, Institute of Overseas Chinese Studies, Huaqiao University


China-ASEAN relations: Perspective of Social psychology

杨宏云,助理研究员 福州大学闽商文化研究院

Yang Hongyun, research assistant, Institute of Fujian Merchant Culture


15:30-15:40  Tea Break


15:40-17:40  Session 8: China-ASEAN relations: Historical social and cultural factors 2

中国-东盟关系:历史、社会与文化因素 (2)

Venue: Song En Building 220

Chairperson 李丹 教授 韩国釜庆大学国际关系学部

              Li Dan, Professor, Pukyong National University



China ’s Perception of ASEAN: Change and Continuity

张明亮 副教授  暨南大学东南亚研究所

Zhang Mingliang, Associate Professor, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Jinan University


Analysis on ASEAN Conciousness

张旭东 副教授  厦门大学南洋研究院

Zhang Xudong, Associate Professor, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

李洪英 硕士研究生 厦门大学南洋研究院

Li Hongying, postgraduate student, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University


Analysis of the shape and spread of Chinese national image in Southeast Asia

熊丽英  助理研究员 云南省社会科学院东南亚研究所

Xiong Liying, research assistantInstitute of Southeast Asia Studies, Yunnan Academy of Social Science


Research on enterprization movement of Malaysian Chinese: Interaction between Overseas Chinese Enterprises and institutional environment in Local Countries

胡越云 讲师 华侨大学公共管理学院

Hu Yueyun, Lecturer, Huaqiao University


Triad at Southeast Asia

夏雪 助理研究员 上海社会科学院国际问题研究中心

Xia Xue, research assistant, Centre for International studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences


Study on the Development of Chinese Capitals in Vietnam

阳阳 博士候选人 厦门大学历史系

Yang Yang, Ph.D candidate, Department of History, Xiamen University


Negotiating Malaysian Chinese Migration in Postwar Period

康晓丽 博士候选人 厦门大学南洋研究院

Kang Xiaoli, Ph. D candidate, Research School of Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University

The International Role of the Zheng Maritime Organisation  in 17th Century East Asia

Patrizia Carioti, Department of Asian Studies, Italy


17:40-17:50  Closing Remark  林梅  副院长  厦门大学南洋研究院

Lin Mei, Deputy Dean, Institute of Southeast Asia Stidies, Xiamen University


18:00-20:00  Dinner   Yifu Center


*Program correct at the time of print, subject to minor changes



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