Zhuang Guotu, born in Dec., 1952,Ph. D. of History, Xiamen University
Research School of Southeast Asian Studies
School for International Relations, in Xiamen University,
Director of the National Key Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Director of Institute of Malaysian Studies
Research field: Ethnic Chinese History; History of China’s International Relations
Member of Social Science Committee of Education Ministry,China.
Member of Advisors Committee of State Council for Overseas Chinese Affairs.
President ofChina’ Association for Southeast Asian Studies,2001--.
Vice-President ofChina’ Society for History of Sino-Foreign Country Relations. 1998---
Vice-President ofChina’ Society for World Ethnicity Studies, 2003---.
Vice-President ofChina’ Society for Overseas Chinese Studies, 1993---.
Member of Board of Directors (ISSCO), 1992-2007,International Society for Studies of Chinese Overseas
Domestic academic experience
1982-1989 lecturer in Research School of Southeast Asian Studies in Xiamen University.
1990-1993 Associate professor
1994- Professor and supervisor of PhD in Xiamen University.
Overseas academic experience
1986-1988, visiting scholar in Institute for history of European Expansion in Leiden University.
1992-1993 Residence Fellow in Netherlands Institute for Advance Studies(NIAS).
May-June 1997 Visiting professor in Oriental University of Nepels inItaly.
July-Aug.1997 Senior Fellow in International Institute for Asian Studies, Holland.
Mar-June 1998 Visiting Professor in Chi-nan International University inTaiwan.
Mar-June 2000 Visiting Professor in Tung Hai University inTaiwan.
April-June 2001 Visiting Professor in City University in Hong Kong.
Mar-June 2002 Visiting Professor in City Univ. of New York.
Oct.-Nov. 2003, Visiting Professor in State University of New York at Albany.
Oct.2004-Jan 2005 Visiting Professor in Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
May-Nov. 2007, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
June-July, 2009, Center of Chinese Studies, UTAR, Malaysia
4.《荷兰华人的社会地位》(荷文译著),台湾中央研究院, 1992年。
5.Tea,Silver,0pium and War:International Tea Trade and the Western Commercia1 Expansion into China in l740一1840(《18世纪的茶叶贸易和中西商务关系》),Xiamen University Press l993。
6.《东南亚华侨通史》(合著), 福建人民出版社,1994年。
7.《巴城华人和中荷贸易》(译著) 广西人民出版社,1996年。
9.主编《世纪之交的华人》 福建人民出版社,1998年。
10.主编《Ethnic Chinese at Turn of Centuries》,福建人民出版社,1998年。
11.《明清情感词汇研究》(译著),中国大百科出版社, 2000年。
12. 主编 《改革开放以来福建与华侨华人》,厦门大学出版社,1999年
14.主编:New Studies on Chinese overseas and China, IIAS(荷兰国际亚洲研究院),2000。
1.Fujianese Commercial Expansion into Southeast Asia in l7th Century,in Culture of Review(Macao),1991,vo1.1
2.Tea,Silver and 0pium: From Commercial Expansion to Military Invasion,Itinerario:European Journal of 0verseas History,vo1.17,1993,No.2.
3.Canton System: China’s Reaction to the Western Expansion into China,Journal of Minqing Studies,(Italy) vo1.3,1993.
4.Fujian Tea Industries and Its Relation with Taiwan Tea Production in l8th Century, In Journal of Minqing Studies,(Ita1y)vo1.8,1998.
5.Siam-China,A Relation in Ming Period,a paper presented to the 5th International Conference on Thai Studies,London,1993.
6.Northwest Fujian Tea Production for Export and Its Impacts on Social Economy in the l8th Century,in L.Blusse & F. Gaastra, eds, 0n the Eighteenth Century as a Category of Asian History,Ashgate,Aldershot,England,1998.
7.0verseas Emigration and Its Impacts on the Loca1 Society in Jinjiang County in 1930s,in L.Leuw, ed., Changing of South China,Netherlands Royal Academy Press,Amsterdam,1996.
8.Growth and Challenges:Chinese Restaurants in Netherlands,in Xiao Xiaoqin, ed.,Economy of the Ethnic Chinese,Shantou University Press,1996.
9.Qiaoxiang and Its 0verseas Relations: Case of Jinjiang,IIAS Newsletters,No.14,Summer,1997,p.29, Leiden.
10. The Policies of Chinese Government towards overseas Chinese since l978,in Series of Changing Structure of Contemporary China,Tokyo,1998.
11.China’s policies towards overseas Chinese,in Lynn Pan,ed., The Encyclopedia of Chinese 0verseas,Archipelago Press,Singapore,1998.
12.Chinese Government Policies towards overseas Chinese(1949一1966),in Ling--Chi Wang & Wang Gungwu,eds, Chinese Diaspora,Time Press,Singapore 1998
13.Social and Economic Development of Jinjiang, South fujian, by Cen huang & Zhuang Guotu, in IIAS Newsletter, No.18, 1999, p.46
14.How China considers the overseas Chinese, Asian Affairs, 2001.1,p.1-16.
15. The case of Jingjiang in South Fujian: An Introduction of to a Current Project on Qiaoxiang Overseas Relations,IIAS(荷兰国际亚洲研究院),in Cen Huang, Zhuang Guotu and Tanaka Kyoko, eds., Leiden 2000.
16.Donations of overseas Chinese to Xiamen Since 1978, pp.123-138, in Leo Douw, Cen Huang and David Ip, eds., Rethinking Chinese Transnational Enterprises, Curzon Press, Curzon 2001.
17.China’s Relation with Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia: A Research Agenda, NIAS nytt, Asia Insights No.3, 2004, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies
18.Trends of Overseas Chinese Business Network in East Asia: As Mirrored from Overseas Chinese Investment in Mainland China since 1978, Ritsumeikan International Affairs, Vol.4, pp1-23, (2006).
19、Cumulative Causation, Market Transition and Emigration from China, by Zai Liang, Miao David Chunyu, Guotu Zhuang,and Wenzhen Ye, American Journal of Sociology, V.114, No.3, November, 2008.
Forth wave of Chinese migration:As mirrored in the Chinese migration into Southeast Asia in the last 20 years, Journal of Diaspora Studies, Chuannam University, No.2,2008.
20、Migration and Trade: The Role of overseas Chinese in the economic relations between China and Southeast Asia, International Journal of China Studies (Malaysia), N.1, 2010,pp.174-193, ISSN 2180-3250
3.中国的华侨华人政策及其效果,《海外事情》Journal of World Affairs, 2005.3,拓殖大学海外事情研究所。
4.全球化与近30年的中国海外移民, 日本《国际文化研究》,总第9卷,2005年3月。
1.《东亚华商网络的发展趋势》 《当代亚太》2006年1期。
2.《近30年的中国国际移民-以福州人为例》 《世界民族》2006年3期。
3.《论晚清在南洋设领》 《厦门大学学报》 2006.5。
8.《冷战以来东南亚国际关系研究评述》 《世界历史》2004.5
9.《菲律宾华人政治地位的变化》 《当代亚太》2004.2
10.《亨廷顿的族群文化观及其对国际关系的解读》, 《世界民族》2004.2
12.《二战以来柬埔寨华人社会地位的变化》 《南洋问题研究》2004.3
13.《略论二战以来老挝华人社会地位的变化》 《华侨华人历史研究》2004.2
14.《唐人街:海外中国文化“飞地”》 《人民日报》(海外版),2004年3月24日。
15.《东南亚华人的社会地位》 《东南学术》2003.2
16.《二战以后东南亚华族与当地族群的关系》 《厦大学报》2003.3
17.《近20年福州人移民美国研究》 《华侨华人历史研究》2003.3
18.《东南亚华人参政的特点和前景》 《当代亚太》2003.9
19. 《马来化、伊斯兰化和君主制度"下文莱华人的社会地位》 《东南亚研究》2003.5
20. 《多元文化或同化:亨廷顿的族群文化观与东南亚华族》 《南洋问题研究》2003.2
22. 《12-18世纪闽南海商的兴起与妈祖信仰的传播》(澳门)《文化杂志》2003.3。
23.《略论战后东南亚华族的族群认同》 《厦大学报》2002.3,《中国社会科学文摘》2002年第4期转载。
24.《论东南亚华族》 《世界民族》2002年第3期。
25.《利益或情感驱动:从新马华人对福建的投资看1978年以来新马华人与祖籍地的关系》,李元瑾 主编《新马华人:传统与现代的对话》,新加坡南洋理工大学2002年出版。
28.《从民族主义到爱国主义:东南亚华侨对中国的认同》,《中山大学学报》2000.4,《新华文摘》2000.11 全文转载,《高校文科学报文摘》2000.5转载。
29.《论15-19世纪初海外华商经贸网络的发展》 《厦门大学学报》2000.2
30.《台湾对海外台胞资源的利用分析》 《台湾研究》2000.1
Main publications by Zhuang Guotu
Books in Chinese:
Zhongguo Fengjian Zhengfu de Huaqiao Zhengce (Chinese Government's Policies towards Chinese before 1911), Xiamen University Press 1989.
Zhonghe Jiaowang Shi (Tribuut aan China),(translator) Otto Cramwinckel Utgever, Amsterdam 1989.
Helan Huaren de Shehui Diwei (Social Status of Chinese in Holland,(Translator), Academic Sinica, Taiwan 1991.
Shiji Zhijiao de Huaren (Ethnic Chinese at Turn of Centuries), (editor), Fujian People Press 1998.
Huaqiao Huaren Yu Zhongguo Guanxi (Relations between China and the Chinese overseas), Guangdong High-education Press 2001.
Erzhan Yihou Dongnanya Huazu Shehui Diwei Yanjiu (Changing Social Status of Ethnic Chinese Group in Southeast Asia since World War II), Xiamen University Press 2003.
Dangdai Huashang Jingmao Wangluo: Taishang ji Dongnanya Huashang(Co-author) (Contemporary Chinese Taiwan entrepreneurs and Chinese merchants in Southeast Asia), Daoxiang Press, Taiwan 2005.
Books in English
Tea, Silver, Opium and Silver, Western Commercial Expansion into China in 1740-1840, Xiamen University Press 1993.
New Studies on Chinese overseas and China, (Co-editor)IIAS, Leiden 2000.
East Asian Regional Intergration: Diaspora and Impact, ed., SCSEA of Xiamen University, ICS of Univ. of Malay, Xiamen 2010.
Articles in English
1.Fujianese Commercial Expansion into Southeast Asia in l7th Century,in Culture of Review(Macao),1991,vo1.1
2.Tea,Silver and 0pium: From Commercial Expansion to Military Invasion,Itinerario:European Journal of 0verseas History,vo1.17,1993,No.2。
3.Canton System: China’s Reaction to the Western Expansion into China,Journal of Minqing Studies,(Italy) vo1.3,1993.
4.Fujian Tea Industries and Its Relation with Taiwan Tea Production in l8th Century, In Journal of Minqing Studies,(Ita1y)vo1.8,1998.
5.Siam-China,A Relation in Ming Period,a paper presented to the 5th International Conference on Thai Studies,London,1993.
6.Northwest Fujian Tea Production for Export and Its Impacts on Social Economy in the l8th Century,in L.Blusse & F. Gaastra, eds, 0n the Eighteenth Century as a Category of Asian History,Ashgate,Aldershot,England,1998.
7.0verseas Emigration and Its Impacts on the Loca1 Society in Jinjiang County in 1930s,in L.Leuw, ed., Changing of South China,Netherlands Royal Academy Press,Amsterdam,1996.
8.Growth and Challenges:Chinese Restaurants in Netherlands,in Xiao Xiaoqin, ed.,Economy of the Ethnic Chinese,Shantou University Press,1996.
9.Qiaoxiang and Its 0verseas Relations: Case of Jinjiang,IIAS Newsletters,No.14,Summer,1997,p.29, Leiden.
10. The Policies of Chinese Government towards overseas Chinese since l978,in Series of Changing Structure of Contemporary China,Tokyo,1998.
11.China’s policies towards overseas Chinese,in Lynn Pan,ed., The Encyclopedia of Chinese 0verseas,Archipelago Press,Singapore,1998.
12.Chinese Government Policies towards overseas Chinese(1949一1966),in Ling--Chi Wang & Wang Gungwu,eds, Chinese Diaspora,Time Press,Singapore 1998
13.Social and Economic Development of Jinjiang, South fujian, in IIAS Newsletter, No.18, 1999, p.46
14.How China considers the overseas Chinese, Asian Affairs, 2001.1,p.1-16.
15. The case of Jingjiang in South Fujian: An Introduction of to a Current Project on Qiaoxiang Overseas Relations,IIAS,pp.239-248, in Cen Huang, Zhuang Guotu and Tanaka Kyoko, eds., New Studies on Chinese overseas and China, Leiden 2000.
16.Donations of overseas Chinese to Xiamen Since 1978, pp.123-138, in Leo Douw, Cen Huang and David Ip, eds., Rethinking Chinese Transnational Enterprises, Curzon Press, Curzon 2001.
17.China’s Relation with Ethnic Chinese Entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia: A Research Agenda, NIAS nytt, Asia Insights No.3,2004, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies
Articles in Japanese
厦门东南亚华侨送金(overseas Chinese Remittance from Southeast Asian into Amoy),田中恭子编《现代中国国际关系》,东京大学出版社,p.155-280,2001。
清末华侨认同的变化和华侨民族主义产生原因(Rising of Overseas Chinese Nationalism in Southeast Asia in late Qing Period),《孙文与华侨》,汲古书院(日文版),东京1999年。
中国的华侨华人政策及其效果(The Chinese Government’s Policies towards the Overseas Chinese),《海外事情》Journal of World Affairs, No.3, 2005,拓殖大学海外事情研究所,pp.81-96.
全球化与近30年的中国海外移民 (Chinese Overseas Migration in the last 30 years on the Context of Globalization),(日本)《国际文化研究》(Intercultural Studies),龙谷大学国际文化学会,2005年号,总第9号,pp.985-97。ISSN 1343-1404
Articles in Chinese in last five years
1.Haimao yu Yimin Hudong: 17-18 Shiji Minnanren Yimin Taiwan Yuanyin (Interactions between overseas trade and emigration: South Fujianese immigration into Taiwan in 17-18th centuries, Taiwan Wenxian, (Taipei) Vol.51,No.2,2000
2.Cong Minzu Zhuyi dao Aiguo Zhuyi: 1920-1930 Niandai Nanyang Huaqiao Rentong de Bianhua (From Nationalism to Patriotism: changing identities of Chinese in Southeast Aisa in 1920-1930s), Zhongshan Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Zhongshan University Academy), 2000.4.
3.Lun15-19 ShijiHaiwai Huashang Jingmao Wangluo de Fazhan(On the overseas Chinese commercial network in 15-19th centuries), Xiamen Dxue Xuebao (Journal of Xiamen University Academy), 2000.2
4.Taiwan dui Haiwai Taibao Ziyuan de Liyong (How Taiwan authorities take use of overseas Taiwanese), Journal of Taiwan Studies,(Beijing) 2000.1
5. Zhanhou Dongnanya Huazu de Zuqun Rentong (Changing identities of Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II ),Journal of Xiamen University Academy , 2002.3
6. Lun Dongnanya Huazu (On ethnic Chinese groups in Southeast Asia), Shijie Minzu (World Ethno-National Studies), (Beijing) 2002.3.
7. Dongnanya Huaren de Shehui Diwei (Social Status of Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II), Dongnan Xueshu (Southeast China Academic Research) 2003.2.
8. Cong Yimin dao Xuanmin: 1960 Niandai Yilai Meiguo huaren Shehui de Bianhua (From immigrants to Citizens: American Chinese since 1960s), Shijie Lishi (World History), 2004.2
9. Jin 20 Nian Fuzhouren Yimin Meiguo Yanjiu (Studies on Fuzhou people immigration into United States), Huaqiao Huaren Lishi Yanjiu (Journal of Studies on Overseas Chinese History), (Beijing) 2003.3
10. Dongnanya Huaren Canzheng de Tedian (On Chinese involving into Politics in Southeast Asia), Dangdai Yatai (Journal of Studies on Contemporary Asian-Pacific), (Beijing) 2003.9
11. Humtington’s Viewpoints of Ethnic Civilization and his comprehension of international relations, World Ethno-National Studies, 2004.2
12. Lengzhan Yilai Dongnanya Guoji Guanxi Pingshu (General View of the international relations in Southeast Asia in post cold war period), World History, 2004.5.