Journal Articles
1.New Development in the Study of Asian Maritime History in the Twentieth-First Century: English-Language Scholarship as a Focus, Historiography Quarterly, 2018.2,pp.116-125.
2.The Sea Routes between China and Australia: A Neglected Maritime Silk Road, Journal of Xiamen University, 2018.4, pp.97-104.
3.A Study of Shark Fin Trade between China and Southeast Asia in the Qing Dynasty, Journal of Xiamen University, 2017.2, pp.84-95.
4.The Ups_and_Downs of the Ocean Trade of the Bugis People from the 17th Century to the 19th Century, World History, 2009.6, pp.69-76.
5.A Brief Description about Medical and Hygeian Customs of Nations in Southeast Asia during Ancient times, World Ethno-National Studies, 2004.6, pp.70-76.
6.Discussion on Edible Bird’s Nest Trade between China and Southeast Asia in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Researches in Chinese Economic History, 2015.2, pp.103-112.
7.Cognition, Market and Trade: Discussion on Trepang Trade between China and Southeast Asia in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Journal of Xiamen University, 2012.6, pp.49-56.
8.Macassar’s Role in the Malayan Archipelago’s Maritime Trade from the 17th to 19th , Southeast Asian Studies, 2010.2, pp.79-84.
9.Overseas Chinese and the Diffusion of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Southeast Asia, Overseas Chinese History Studies, 2003.3, pp.54-61.
10.Management and Control of Guangxi_Vietnam Border Trade in the Early Qing Dynasty, Southeast Asian Affairs, 2007.3, pp.76-84.
11.A Brief Comment on Ancient European’s Knowledge of Chinese Medicine, Collected Papers of History Studies, 2003.4, pp.62-68.
12.Coastal Prohibition in the Early Qing Dynasty and Xiamen Foreign Trade under the Control of Zheng Chenggong’s Forces, Southeast Asian Affairs, 2000.4, pp.85-94.
13.On Xiamen’s Management of Overseas Trade in the Earlier Stage of the Qing Dynasty, Southeast Asian Affairs, 2001.4, pp.74-82.