主题:Chinese Investments and Trade in Central-East European Countries: Progress, Prospects and Challenges of the ‘16+1’ Cooperation Mechanism
内容简介:Marsela Musabelliu will present her PhD research and findings. The following is a short introduction of her PhD thesis. Chinese behavior in international affairs has gained an ever growing role as a forger of connectivity and economic ties between countries.
This presentation focuses on the China led and initiated cooperation mechanism ‘16+1’ with which PRC has approached Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) started officially in 2012. The main focuses are investments and trade and how this cooperation platform has influenced their trajectory. It is tried to shed some light on China’s modus operandi in the region and what is the feedback received from the partners of the platform and third parties.
The ChinaCEEC cooperation is analyzed in the context of the bigger Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), while trying to comprehend the economic factors intertwined with its implementation. The countries under analysis are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia.
主讲人:Marsela Musabelliu ,厦门大学国际关系学院/南洋研究院2015级博士生