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Dr. Zheng Wei, Associate Professor

Research Interests:distributed computing, grid computing, cloud computing, scheduling algorithms, resource management

Email:zhengw (AT) xmu.edu.cn


Selected Publications

[1]  Cai Q, *Zhang D, Zheng W, Leung S, 2015. A new fuzzy time series forecasting model combined with ant colony optimization and auto-regression, Knowledge-Based Systems, 74(1):61–68(Elsevier: SCI/EI).

[2]  Zheng W*, Huang S, 2015. An adaptive deadline constrained energy-efficient scheduling heuristic for workflows in clouds, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 27(18): 5590-5605 (Wiley: SCI/EI).

[3]  *Zheng W, Tang L, Sakellariou R, 2015. A priority-based scheduling heuristic to maximize parallelism of ready tasks for DAG applications, In 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2015), pp.596-605 (EI, CCF C类会议).

[4]  *Zheng W, Huang S, 2014. Deadline constrained energy-efficient scheduling for workflows in Clouds, In 2nd International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD2014), pp.69-76 (EI).
