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Dr. Wang Lin, Professor

Research Interests:UWB communication,Information Theory

Email:wanglin (AT) xmu.edu.cn



PhD, Circuits and Systems, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2001

MSc, Applied Mathematics, Yunnan University, China, 1988

BSc, Mathematics, Chongqing Normal University, China,1984

Professional Activities

IEEE Senior Member

Selected Publications

[1] Huang T, *Wang L, Xu W, Lau FCM, 2016. A multilevel code-shifted differential chaos shift keying system. IET Communications, 10(10): 1189-1195 (IET: SCI/EI).

[2] Cai G, *Wang L, Chen G, 2016. Capacity of the non-coherent DCSK system over Rayleigh channel, IET Communications, doi: 10.1049/iet-com. 2016.0487 (IET: SCI/EI).

[3] Fang Y, Han G, Chen P, Lau FCM, Chen G, *Wang L, 2016. A survey on DCSK-based communication systems and their application to UWB scenarios. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 18(3): 1804-1837 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[4] Cai G, Fang Y, Han G, Lau FCM, *Wang L, 2016. Asquare-constellation-based M-ary DCSK communication system. IEEE Access, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2612224 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[5] Fang Y, Guan Y, *Wang L, Lau FCM, 2016. Rate-compatible root-protograph LDPC codes for quasi-static fading relay channels. IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, 65(4): 2741-2747 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[6] Chen Q, *Wang L, Hong S, Xiong Z, 2016. Performance improvement of JSCC schemes through re-designing channel code. IEEE Communication Letters, 20(6): 1088-1091 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[7] Cheng G, *Wang L, Xu W, Chen G, 2016. Carrier index differential chaotic shift keying modulation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part II, doi: 10.1109/TCSII.2016.2613093 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[8] *Wang L, Cai G, Chen G, 2015. Design and performance analysis of a new multiresolution M-ary differential chaos shift keying communication system. IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications 14(9): 5197-5208 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[9] Chen C, *Wang L, Xiong Z, 2015. Matching criterion between source statistics and source coding rate. IEEE Communication letters, 19(9): 1504-1507 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[10] Chen P, Kong L, Fang Y, *Wang L, 2015. The design of protograph LDPC codes for 2-dimensional magnetic recording channels. IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 51(11): 3101704 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[11] Xu W, Yang Z, Ding Z, *Wang L, Fan P, 2015. Wireless information and power transfer in two-way relaying network with non-coherent differential modulation. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015(1): 131 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[12] Fang Y, *Wang L, Xu J, Chen P, Chen G, Xu W, 2015. Design and analysis of a DCSK-ARQ/CARQ system over multipath fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I, 62(6): 1637-1647 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[13] Lv Y, *Wang L, Cai G, Chen G, 2015. Iterative receiver for M-ary DCSK systems. IEEE Transaction on Communications 63(11): 3929-3936 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[14] Wu G, *Wang L, Truong TK, 2014. Use of matroid theory to construct a class of good binary linear codes. IET Communications, 8(6): 893-898 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[15] Xu W, *Wang L, Chen G, 2014. Performance analysis of the CS-DCSK/BPSK communication system. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I, 61(9): 2624-2633 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[16] Wu H, *Wang L, Hong S, He J, 2014. Performance of joint source-channel coding based on protograph LDPC codes over rayleigh fading channels. IEEE Communication Letters, 18(4): 652-655 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[17] Fang Y, Wong KK, *Wang L, Tong KT, 2013. Performance analysis of protograph LDPC codes for Nakagami-m fading relay channels. IET Communications, 7(11): 1133-1139 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[18] *Wang L, Li Y, Truong TK, Lin TC, 2013. On decoding of the (89, 45, 17) quadratic residue code. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 61(3): 832-841(IEEE: SCI/EI).

[19] Fang Y, Xu J, *Wang L, G. R. Chen, 2013. Performance of MIMO relay DCSK-CD systems over Nakagami fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I, 60(3): 757-767 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[20] Chen P, *Wang L, Lau FCM, 2013. One analog STBC-DCSK transmission scheme not requiring channel state information. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I, 60(4): 1027-1037 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[21] Chen P, Fang Y, *Wang L, Lau FCM, 2013. Decoding generalized joint channel coding and physical network coding in the LLR domain. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20(2): 121-124 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[22] Li Y, *Wang L, Ding Z, 2013. An integrated linear programming receiver for LDPC coded MIMO-OFDM signals. IEEE Transaction on Communications, 61(7): 2816-2827 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[23] Hong S, Shi Z, *Wang L, Gu Y, Chen K, 2013. Adaptive regularized particle filter for synchronization of chaotic Colpitts circuits in an AWGN channel. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 32(2): 825-841 (Springer: SCI/EI).

[24] Hong S, *Wang L, Truong TK, 2013. Novel approaches to the parametric cubic-spline interpolation. IEEE Transaction on Imaging Processing, 22(3): 1233-1241 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[25] Chen P, *Wang L, 2012. A serial joint channel and physical layer network decoding in two-way relay networks. IEEE communications letters, 16(6): 769-772 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[26] Fang Y, Chen P, *Wang L, 2012. Performance analysis and optimization of a cooperative FM-DCSK UWB system under indoor environments. IET Networks, 1(2): 58-65 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[27] Wu G, Chang HC, *Wang L, Truong TK, 2012. Constructing rate 1/p systematic binary quasi-cyclic codes based on the matroid theory. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 71(1): 47-56 (Springer: SCI/EI).

[28] Fang Y, Chen P, *Wang L, Lau FCM, Wong KK, 2012. Performance analysis of protograph-based LDPC codes with spatial diversity. IET Communications, 6(17): 2941-2948 (IET: SCI/EI).

[29] Fang Y, Chen P, *Wang L, Lau FCM, 2012. Design of protograph LDPC codes forpartial response channels. IEEE Transaction on Communications, 60(10): 2809-2819 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[30] Xu W, *Wang L, Kolumban G, 2012. A new data rate adaption communications scheme for code-shifted differential chaos shift keying modulation. International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, 22(8): 770-781 (Word Scientific: SCI/EI).

[31] Chen P, *Wang L, Chen G, 2012. DDCSK-Walsh Coding: a reliable chaotic modulation based transmission technique. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part II, 59(2): 128-132 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[32] Xu W, *Wang L, Kolumban G, 2011. A novel differential chaos shift keying modulation scheme. International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, 21(3): (Word Scientific: SCI/EI).

[33] Xiao M, *Wang L, Li TJ, 2011. Designing rate-compatible irregular repeat accumulate codes through splitting. IEEE Communications Letters, 15(10): 1104-1106 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[34] Li Y, *Wang L, Truong TK, 2011. Soft decoding of the (23, 12, 7) Golay code up to five errors. IET Communications, 5(15): 2206-2211 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[35] Hong S, *Wang L, Shi Z, Chen K, 2011. Simplified particle PHD filter for multiple-target tracking: algorithm and architecture. Progress in Electromagnetics Researchers, 120: 481-498 (EMW: SCI).

[36] *Wang L, Xiao M, Chen G, 2011. Performance of SIMO FM-DCSK UWB system based on chaotic pulse cluster signals. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I, 58(9): 2259-2268 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[37] Xu Z, *Wang L, Kwak KS, Chen G, 2011. Designing delay lines based on GDRR for TR-UWB systems. IET Communications, 5(17): 2578-2585 (IET: SCI/EI).

[38] Xu Z, *Wang L, Chen G, 2011. Designing delay lines based on the SD/DE alogrithm for transmitted-reference ultra-wideband system. Circuits, System and Signal Processing, 30(6): 1313-1328 (Springer: SCI/EI).

[39] Xu W, *Wang L, Chen G, 2011. Performance of DCSK cooperative communication systems over multipath fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I, 58(1): 196-204 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[40] Chen S, *Wang L, Chen G, 2010. Data-aided timing synchronization for FM-DCSK UWB communication systems. IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, 57(5): 1538-1545 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[41] Xin M, Xu W, *Wang L, Chen G, 2010. Promising performance of an FM-DCSK UWB system under indoor environments. IET Communications, 4(2): 125-134 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[42] *Wang L, Zhang C, Chen G, 2008. Performance of an SIMO FM-DCSK communication system. IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, Part II, 55(5): 457-461 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[43] Zhang C, *Wang L, Chen G, 2008. Promising performance of PA-coded SIMO FM-DCSK communication systems. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 27(6): 915-926 (Springer: SCI/EI).

[44] Yang X, Yuan Q, *Wang L, 2007. What connection topology prohibit chaos in continuous time networks. Advances in Complex Systems, 10(4): 449–461 (World Scientific: SCI/EI).

[45] Ye L, Chen G, *Wang L, 2005. Essence and advantages of FM-DCSK technique versus conventional spreading spectrum communication method. Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 24(5): 657-673 (Springer: SCI/EI).

[46] Cao J, *Wang L, 2002. Exponential stability and periodic oscillatory solution in BAM networks with delays. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 13(2): 457-463 (IEEE: SCI/EI).

[47] Cao J, *Wang L, 2000. Periodic oscillatory solution of bidirectional associative memory networks with delays. Physical Review E, 61(2): 1825 (APS: SCI/EI).
